[Question #1557] unprotected oral sex
95 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
95 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I will be happy to comment. Your GP sounds well informed and wise- I agree with most of what she has done. I will comment both on your risks for infection and the symptoms you have experienced.
First your risk. Your risk for any STI is very low. You do not know if your partner had an STI and it is likely that he did not. You have known him for some time now and I hope that you would be comfortable asking him if he has an STI of any sort and whether he would mind getting tested. Even if he was infected, HIV is very, very rarely transmitted by performing oral sex on an infected partner (less than 1 in 10,000 sex acts, on average, IF he was infected), Gonorrhea can be acquired through oral sex, very rarely so can herpes or syphilis however all or these are rare. your doctor did the right tests and I anticipate that they will be negative for infection. If your partner had syphilis, you would have seen a sore on his penis.
I would also add the IF your partner had an STI (unlikely), the fact that he did not ejaculate also makes it less likely that you would be infected.
As for your symptoms, your symptoms are much more consistent with a common. "every day" non-STI sore throat than an oral STI. Your symptoms started too early to be most STIs and when people are infected with gonorrhea in the throat, the infection is typically present without symptoms. On the other hand it is typical both for non-STI viral and strep throats to cause the sore of white plaques on the tonsils that you described.
I would suggest the following:
1. I would discuss your symptoms and concerns with your partner. This is not to blame him but an honest question and shows concern for his health as well as yours.
2. I would contact your doctor and ask her if she did a test for strep throat- your symptoms are most consistent with strep of a non-STI viral infection.
I hope these comments are helpful. EWH
95 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
95 months ago
1. This confirms that your partner is rather low risk.
2. I agree with your GP. She has done a good job.
3. The symptoms you describe are more compatible with your anxiety or possibly prostatitis than an STI. I recommend you believe your test results. I really see no reason for additional testing.