[Question #1563] Possible STD?

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96 months ago
Good Morning,
 I am a male.  In early November I had protected  hetero sexual intercourse with a woman.   About three  weeks later I saw a bump on my right inner thigh close to scrotum. Not clusters just one bump.  I popped it then it healed in a day or so. No weeping lesions etc just one bump.  Then a few weeks later i saw a bump close the location of  the first but i popped it and it healed similar to the first with a small blemish.  Again no weeping ulcers etc. This morning I see a very small bump in a location close to the first two bumps. Again no ulcers etc. I popped it.  For all three bumps there was no pain etc unless i prodded them of course.    I have  not had a fever or anything else and am otherwise healthy.   This past Saturday evening  I  felt a slight burning at the base of my penis where the scrotum meets the shaft.  I search for sores,ulcers etc but could not find any.  The sensation has died down but I still feel it slightly  and I still cant find any bumps/ulcers/lesions etc. 
Could this be an STD?   Thanks for any insight you can provide. 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago
Welcome back to the forum. I reviewed your discussion with Terri a few days ago. Thanks for your confidence in our services.

I agree with Terri's response. No STD, including herpes, causes symptoms like this. Let's go over herpes first:  1) Wrong location:  initial herpes generally is at sites where the virus is rubbed into the tissues, i.e. the sites of maximum friction during sex. Given condom use, that would probably have been the base of your penis. Recurrent herpes can involve the inner thigh, but rarely initial symptoms. Second, herpes lesions are superficial -- think of them as being "on" the skin, whereas pimples, folliculitis, etc start deeper and can be thought of as bewing "in" the skin. You generally can't pop pus out of a herpes lesion in the say you have done. So I agree with Terri that you have pimples or perhaps folliculitis.

As for STDs other than herpes, there are none that cause pimple like lesions -- and here too, the location is wrong.

So on the basis of your exposure (condom protected -- congratulations for having safe sex!) and your symptoms, I don't recommend any STD testing and no need to see a doctor. Of course you are free to do either of these is a professional exam and negative tests would help reassure you further. But if somehow I were in your situation, I wouldn't get checked at all and would continue unprotected sex with my regular partner. You should fell free to do so as well.

I hope this has helped. Best wishes and stay safe--  HHH, MD

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96 months ago
Thanks for the follow up.  Both of you are awesome people.  I just wanted to to follow up on the second part  I added to my question to you.  So you do not have to read it all again I cut and pasted it below. Thoughts? Thanks.  

 "This past Saturday evening  I  felt a slight burning at the base of my penis where the scrotum meets the shaft.  I search for sores,ulcers etc but could not find any.  The sensation has died down but I still feel it slightly  and I still cant find any bumps/ulcers/lesions etc. "
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago
I saw that and considered it in my reply. Such stinging or burning, by itself, it not a symptom of any STD. You may have read that such sensations may precede herpes outbreaks. But if visible blisters or sores don't appear within a day or two, herpes is rarely if ever the cause. Also, this sequence -- burning/tingling then sores -- occurs only with recurrent herpes, not the initial infection.

For those reasons, this doesn't change my opinions or advice above.
