[Question #1566] Herpes

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97 months ago
I have some more herpes questions . I went to a clinic and met with  a nurse today. she actually says she knows Terri and reaches out to you from time to time with issues . There are no exterior lesions but  irritation  and itching for a month and now pain in the urethra for a month . No pain on urinating . She thinks it's not herpes due to the longevity and no lesions but has no idea what is causing this . What do you mean by  internittant symptoms ? What else should I do ?   I'm really losing my mind . I just keep think there is herpes  in my urethra 

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
small world!
I agree that herpes symptoms would not continue on for a month.  Way too long.  Why is it that you think herpes is causing this and not some other bacteria?
Remind me - have you taken antibiotics for this condition?


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97 months ago
All tests negative for bacteria including gram staining plus took 3 antibiotics with no relief .   Making me think it's viral .   How  many times have you seen herpes in urethra with no exterior lesions . 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
I have actually not seen herpes in the urethra only in 33 years.  I have seen herpes in the urethra with external lesions at the same time but never in the urethra only, that I know of.  It the duration of the symptoms that make me quite certain that's not what's going on here.  Have you ever been tested for herpes in the past?  Tell me the three antibiotics
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97 months ago
Been tested for hsv1  about 3 years ago >5 but then got tested 3 weeks after exposure and negative <.91 , so even now if I get tested and it comes back positive , I dont know if it's because  I was positive previously or now positive from exposure . Been on cipro , zithro,  and doxy . 6 clean urine tests , 3 swabs ( maybe could of caused irritation ?)   As of now I have no answers for this pain and irritation . 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
Hmmm.  Something is certainly amiss there.  I'm wondering if both tests were IgG or IgM or you had one of each?  Do you have those records to look at? 
The antibiotics you have taken should take care of most bacterial infections of the urethra that you might have.  I think your next visit is to a urologist for further evaluation
Another reason I don't think you have herpetic urethritis is that you don't have pain with urination.  Those who do have herpetic urethritis have a lot of pain with urination (that's the most noticeable symptom) because they have open lesions in the urethra and then very acidic urine comes along and runs right over the lesions.  It would be a bit like having a cut on your hand and pouring lemon juice over the top of it.  You don't have that.  I'm a bit stumped about what might be going on here, but honestly, herpes just isn't on the list for so many reasons - long duration of symptoms and no pain with urination are the primary reasons.  Please consider seeing a urologist for further evaluation.  And just to be certain it isn't more psychological , be sure you aren't simply over observing any genital symptoms because you are worried about having an STI.  I don't think this is the case as you are very specific about the symptoms, but had to just put it out there.  Take care and I hope you find relief soon.

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97 months ago
They were both igg tests . Would you put more stock in the positive since it's high and igg does miss 30%  so the negative could be wrong .  Also when you say intermittent  in reference to herpes in urethra , what are you referring to?   Pain would come and go daily or  iit would be painful till it clears and the the pain would come back during another outbreak . Can dehydration after having 3 swabs cause irritation ? 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
If I had to bet on this, I would rely on the positive result.
When I say intermittent, I mean coming and going.  Long periods of no symptoms, then a few days of discomfort followed by long periods of no symptoms at all. 
The swabs themselves can cause irritation but it normally doesn't cause pain for more than a few days.  I'm not clear that dehydration would cause more irritation but it might. 
The main message here from me is that I don't think your symptoms are consistent with herpes.

