[Question #1572] Risk Concern
92 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
92 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I will be glad to comment. The bottom line is that you are in the clear with much evidence to support this statement. First and foremost first and foremost, mutual masturbation is safe sex and there are NO cases of HIV which have ever been documents to have been acquired by masturbation (mutual or otherwise) or touching an infected person when there was not penetrative, unprotected sex or injection of infected material deep into tissue. Not a single one!
Second, your testing of your partner should be believed. The Oraquick test is highly reliable. And there is no risk of infecting yourself because you went on to masturbate without washing your hands after setting up the Oraquick test with her swab.
Third, had you been infected, while not 100% for sure, there is a high (>90%) likelihood that your RNA PCR test or your 4th generation test would have been positive at the times you describe testing.
At this point I absolutely no reason for further concern and no need for additional testing. The combination of acts and test results you describe assure that you were not infected during the contacts with this person that you describe. I hope my comments are helpful to you. EWH