[Question #1573] Herpes 2 and flu symptoms
96 months ago
Hi, we talked yesterday. I had a negative hsv 1 and negative hsv 2 test at 11 to 12 weeks. It was an igg Elisa test. I told you about flu symptoms that I had around 4-6 weeks post exposure. The symptoms I had were extreme dizziness and vomiting. I read about vestibular neuritis and labyrinthitis. I was only self diagnosed. Never saw a doctor for that illness. Are these related to hsv 2? Again, no symptoms of herpes present. Just that minor illness that went away within a few days. Can I still rely on my igg blood test and that I can put this issue to bed?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
The symptoms of dizziness and vomiting are not something that we see with a new herpes infection. When we talk about flu symptoms, we are talking about influenza symptoms like severe headache, achy muscles, light sensitivity, fever. Nothing you describe fits that. I think you can believe your ELISA test, Jacob. I'll answer two more questions here but I don't think you have herpes and want you to feel reassured.
96 months ago
Thank you for your help. Just needed some piece of mind. So you can still say with about 95% certainty that I do not have hsv 2 because I've not had a symptom I've told you that resembles hsv 2 and that I waited long enough to get tested? Have a great day. Thanks again!
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
That's correct. You waited long enough to be tested, you've had no symptoms, and with 95% certainty, you don't have HSV 2!
96 months ago
I've noticed my scrotum has been red for quite sometime. I started shaving it about 5 weeks ago. Is red scrotum and herpes 2 related? It's also been persistent for the duration of 5 weeks. Never going away. I know this is my last question on this thread. Thank you for your help.
96 months ago
No Burning or itching. Just redness. Just to clarify.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
No, red scrotum syndrome and HSV don't go together - they are completely separate conditions. Have you tried treating this with any antifungal medicines? Sometimes that is helpful but red scrotum can be persistent.