[Question #1582] Very Scared and Hoping for Hansfield...
96 months ago
Dear Dr,
Thank you very much for offering this service. Here is my situation, forgive the narrative. This past year, my soon-to-be ex husband and I lost 3 pregnancies-- one from a car accident and 2 as a result of Trisomy 13. In late September, he indicated he no longer wished to try to conceive as at his age (nearing 50, 12 years older than myself). He felt the risk was too great and he was content with the child he already had from a previous marriage. I was devastated and after counseling failed to change his mind, I left him at the end of October and filed for divorce. After I left, I discovered a friend of mine was also going through a divorce after 10 years of marriage, and we leaned on each other through the holidays, etc. Well, early last week, after one too many glasses of wine, it progressed to an unprotected oral sexual encounter (reciprocal) and nothing more. The encounter lasted only a few minutes and he did not ejaculate. As luck would have it, on December 26th, my ex husband sent me a heartfelt email indicating he wanted to stop divorce proceedings and would be willing to continue try to have a child. I love this person very much and would want nothing more than to go back and pick up our lives, but I am so terrified that this singular experience with my friend could have put me at risk for HIV. Mind you, I have no reason to think my friend is HIV positive-- he was a faithful husband for 10 years, but I am unsure of what his ex-wife may or may not have done during the marriage, etc. Can you offer some perspective on my situation and my risk for HIV or other STDs after this encounter In my situation, would you be concerned with an HIV exposure, infecting your spouse or potential child, etc? I know if I told my husband what happened, despite our separation, reconciliation would be impossible. Thank you very much for reading my story and offering your advice.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago
96 months ago
Thank you, Dr. One follow-up question and a comment. I have an impacted wisdom tooth that cannot be removed and keeps my back left molar's gum-line inflamed. Would the presence of this change your assessment of my HIV risk?
In terms of my friend, his last sexual encounter of any kind was over 6 months ago with his now ex-wife. I know he theoretically could be misleading me with that information, but I doubt it. Certainly no to sexual activity with other men and no issues with his penis to speak of. I can attest to no visible sores, etc. from our encounter.
If your assessment of my HIV risk and need for any testing remains the same given this information, I will put this episode in the rearview mirror and move forward with my life. Thank you again for offering this service. It is very easy for anxiety and fear to take hold--especially with everything you can read on the internet.
Happy New Year to you as well!
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago
96 months ago
96 months ago
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago