[Question #1594] Is it Herpes?

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97 months ago
Back on July 13th I had unprotected sex.  About a week later I noticed about 2 or 3 small blister like bumps in the bottom of the head of my penis.  I popped them and a clear fluid came out. They healed and were gone in about 2 weeks time.  Also during this time period I had a strange tingle like feeling in both sides of my butt.  I was extremely stressed and worried during this time that I had contracted HSV.  I had IGG blood tests done on the following dates.  July 28th, August 15,  August 31st,  Oct 12th, and December 15th.  All of which have all been negative for HSV 1 and HSV 2.  Last week the small fluid filled blisters appeared again close to the same location as the first time.  I once again popped them and clear liquid came out.  They are currently still red and tender with very small scabs.  I am worried I still have contracted HSV even after all of the negative tests.  Can this be something else besides HSV? 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
These sound very much like herpes to me.  It's too bad that you didn't have the blisters swab tested at the time they showed up as that could have given you the answers that you seek.  The IgG test for HSV 1 misses about 30% of infections (compared to the gold standard western blot) and the HSV 2 IgG test misses 5-7% of infections compared to the gold standard western blot.  If you were my patient, I would recommend that you obtain a herpes western blot from the University of Washington.  They will send you a kit and you can have your own provider draw and spin down your blood and ship it back to UW.  If you aren't able to accomplish this through your provider, I may be able to help you get this drawn in a different way.  I think you most definitely need to rule out herpes, given the recurrent blister situation.

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97 months ago
Terri, thank you for the quick response.  Please let me know how you could assist in helping me get this draw completed?  I would like to get this accomplished as quickly as possible.  I am willing to go to any lab in the state that could take care of the draw.  
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
What state do you live in?

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97 months ago
I am in Ohio
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
There are several sites in Ohio where we can arrange for you to have a blood sample drawn for the western blot.  In order to accomplish this, you and I need to have a video conference to discuss the IgG vs. western blot study, for you to become my patient and for us to fill out an order form you will need for the western blot.  You will need to send for the kit from UW.  I do the video consults on Tuesday mornings through our website, westoverheights.com, click on video consults. 

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97 months ago
I will get it set up and look forward to talking tomorrow. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
Sounds like a plan.  If you have more questions, please return here to ask them - we are happy to help.
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97 months ago
Terri, just tried calling in but I am thinking my 12:40 appointment time is 12:40 Pacifc time and not Eastern?  Do I need to try again at 12:40 Pacific?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
97 months ago
Your appointment was pacific time, and it was 9:40.  I sent you an email about this.
