[Question #1615] Please Dr. new info on my STI

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96 months ago

I have had new things happen please Dr review. Oct /29/ 16  I had 20 seconds of receptive oral. We did kiss for a brief time also. Two weeks latter two basically flat lesions on upper shaft of penis spaced ¾ inch apart and ½ inch down from the base and both had an individual red base. One had a shallow dimple with a pin size spot in the middle of the indentation. The skin associated with it was shiny. The other smaller one was NOT shiny and faded in 2.5 days, the larger one took about 3.5 days but really I have NO idea how long they were there for their location was obscured by stomach, undershirt etc. I do know however, I had zero discomfort and saw no fluid. pimple head, breakage etc. and the larger lesions was right at the spot where I hold my penis when urinating. After they faded, the bigger one felt like it had something under the skin as a pimple would for an addition couple of days.

I tested at six weeks at Dept. of Health for all STI, neg but have not tested for HSV.  Last year I did test NEG for HSV 1&2

  My new worries are: Reading the net I came across a site that said if the lesion did not scab after it broke it would have a shallow indentation while healing. That got my mind running wild.

The other and more important new event is on Dec 15 I developed a very small white head looking pimple on the inside soft part of my lower lip half way up. I applied some Merthiolate and it stung for a second after that no pain and it was gone the next night. I had been eating oranges and wondering if it was a citrus reaction or hopefully not something to do with HSV.

If my first symptom was back in early NOV. on my penis and now on Dec 15 I get this lip/mouth pimple. Could it move around like that?

I am so concerned because of my Grand Kids. They are just one and two and a half sit on my lap and I have kissed them on the temple and forehead and of course after this thing showed up 4 days later my Grand Daughter got a low-grade fever for a couple of days. No rash or anything like that. I am in a bad way thinking I might have passed something on. All this happen to an older married guy for 20 sec of folly.




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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
96 months ago
Welcome back to the forum, but I'm sorry to see your somewhat irrational fear of herpes and other STDs has cotninued despite the clear, science-based reassurance you had from Ms. Warren and Dr. Hook in your two recent threads. I reviewed those discussions and agree with all they said.

You are clearly obsessed with your penis and these symptoms. The new information you provide here does not change anything and leaves me confident, as are the others, that you don't have genital herpes. The large majority of penile rashes or skin abnormalities, or other symptoms, are caused by non-STD problems. (On my bookshelf is an Atlas of Genital Dermatology. Of 300 pages filled with photos, only 15 pages deal with STDs.) Your descriptions of "basically flat lesions" is most consistent with you just looking too closely and seeing things that probably are just normal variations in skin texture or tone. And as for many anxious persons with computers and web connections, you are selectively finding information that inflames your fears and missing all the reassuring info that also is there. Whether a skin lesion scabs or not is irrelevant to whether or not herpes is the cause, and the other discussions gave you all the overwhelming evidence this isn't herpes. And your description of the pimple on your lip also does not sound suspicious for herpes. Among other things, a herpes lesion cannot heal in 1-2 days, regardless of merthiolate or any other treatment; herpes lesions always require at least 7-10 days for healing.

Finally, in the event you really had herpes, your grandchildren would not be at risk. Many young children get oral herpes (which is why half the population has positive blood tests for HSV1), but mostly they get it from playmates and school contact, not in the household from infected parents or grandparents. If you ever have symptoms typical of an oral herpes outbreak (cold sores, fever blisters), avoid kissing your grandchildren or anyone else until healing is complete. And of course genital herpes is never spread in households, only by sex.

So my advice is to do your best to move on without further worry about herpes. Stop searching the internet about it. And do your best to separate your possible shame and guilt over a sexual decision you regret from the potential medical consequences of that event. They aren't the same. Deal with the former as you need to, perhaps with professional counseling. But you can disregard the latter.

Please note that the forum does not permit repeated anxiety driven questions by the same users. This will have to be your last one; future new questions on this topic will be deleted without reply and without refund of your posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not criticism, and is designed to reduce temptations to keep paying for questions with obvious answers; because experience shows that continued answers tends to simply prolong such anxieties, when the real answer normally should be professional counseling; and because such questions have little educational value for other users, one of the forum's main purposes. I trust you will understand.

Best regards--  HHH, MD

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96 months ago
Thank you so much for this site and all the professionals who have helped. 
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95 months ago
I'll understand if you do not reply. however just to close this . Could you read my last post and commemt onthe lip pimple for thruth be know, because there was no pain I did not monitor it time wise as I should have.. As my post says I was first worried about contacting Genital Herpes. via oral sex which should be HSV1.
 My question is if it was genital could it also show up on the lips a month later? Also in as much as none of the lesions or pimples had any pain what so ever associated with them would that help the theroy that these event were indeed nor HSV related. Thank you
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
95 months ago
On quick scan I don't see any discussion of a pimple on the lip in your previous thread. Certainly it is possible to simultaneously acquired genital and oral herpes, assuming both sites are exposed to a partner's infected area. But HSV doesn't travel through the body, and even if your genital problem was herpes -- which I agree it certainly was not -- you couldn't also have sexually acquired oral herpes if you didn't perform oral sex. Also if acquired at the same exposure, the lip lesion would have been at the same time as genital, not a month later. Finally, new oral herpes is not likely to cause only a single pimple:  initial oral herpes typically causes multiple painful sores inside the mouth plus severe sore throat.

That completes this thread. Please note again the last paragraph of my reply above, about the fate of any further questions on this topic. It's time for you to move on without further worry. Best wishes and stay safe.