[Question #1624] Burning/Stinging Urethra Tip

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96 months ago

Hello Dr. HHH/Hook

Sorry to be back to this forum, just had another bad sexual experience and wanted your advice on it.

About 7 days ago, I visited a CSW/Massage parlor and had CONDOM protect oral and Vaginal sex (the CSW provided the condom) everything lasted under a MINUTE, however the next day I felt a pain feeling at the end of my penis tip, thinking that it could have been just irritated because didn't think an STD could show up a day after. However symptoms of Burning/Stinging of my penis tip continued and testicle pain with frequent urination are still bothering me till this date, visited GP did Urinalysis/GON/CHY test (Urine Sample) 66 HOURS after exposure and everything came back negative. Doctor stated everything was "essentially unremarkable" have no idea what that means, anyways my questions are: 

1: Did I take the Gon/CHY urine test too early for it to show up?

2: Does this sound like an STD, Herpes or any other one?

3: Could the Condom fail all under a minute and without me knowing of it?

4: I've been having the Penile Tip Burning/Stinging and testicle pain on and off but NO Discharge so far, when does the Discharge show up if in fact I have been infected with GON/CHY, or do some people not have Discharge

5: What does the discharge look like(I have been checking my Boxers every day yet see nothing out of the ordinary)

Thank you very much

Best Regards, Joey

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
96 months ago

I too am sorry to see that you are now back to the Forum for a 4th time.  We debated whether to delete your question without an answer. I decided to answer it because it relates to a new exposure but will have a low threshold for closing it if you start to repeat your questions.  Having said that, as you will see below, there is no reason for you to be continuing to worry about HIV following sexual exposures in which a condom is used throughout the exposure.  That you worry so much suggests you are overly concerned about STD/HIV risk.  You need to work to overcome these unwarranted concerns without attributing minor, atypical discomforts to possible STIs. 

1.  your test results are reliable.  If you had gonorrhea or chlamydia, a urine test performed 66 hours after exposure would have detected infection.  Believe your test results.

2.  No, your symptoms do not sound like an STI, including herpes.  STDs do not cause symptoms that come and go or urinary frequency.

3.  When condoms fail, they break wide open leaving no doubt that they have failed.  you would not have missed it if your condom failed.

4.  If you had been infected and a discharge was produced, it would have occurred within 4 hours of the onset of your other symptoms.

5.  Penile discharge can be variable in appearance.  It can be clear, cloudy, or look like pus and the amount can be small or large.  If you have not noticed anything, it is most unlikely that you have a urethral discharge.

I hope these replies will let you move forward without concern. EWH

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96 months ago

Thank you for your answers Doctor Hook, again im sorry that im a bother, just wanted to give you an update, this morning around 6:00am I noticed a discharge when I woke up, it looked white like semen. There was a couple other spots on my boxers that were wet also. Could this be considered "Discharge"? As far as the burning sensation and Testicular Pain its still there but mild. Also this morning my lower right side has been pretty painful, feels as if somebody punched me there? are these symptoms alarming at all? I Scheduled an appointment with my GP also to figure out what's going on. I just don't know how all this could happen when I was wearing a condom(BAD LUCK)

Best Regards,


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
96 months ago
Without examining you I cannot tell you of the material you saw was normal secretions or not.  As I have already explained, the nature of your exposure, as well as your tests show that you did not get a STI from the exposure you described.   The right sided discomfort you describe does not suggest and STI.  Seeing your own doctor is the right thing to do.  EWH
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96 months ago

Thank you Doctor Hook,

This morning I woke up and there was NO discharge or any leaking going on, spoke to my doctor and he thinks it was just Nocturnal Emission (wet dream) makes sense since I have been sexually inactive (masturbation) for 4-5 days before that. so my last follow up questions are:

1) Patients with GON/CHY or any STI that produce discharge, is it frequent discharge which would appear through out the day or only in the mornings?

2) Similar to Question #1, if there is a discharge present, can you go a day with discharge and the next day without discharge?

3) If I was your patient and my Urethra/Testicular pain or discharge continued would you warrant retesting for GON/CHY or any other STI related Infections or would you feel confident in my 66 Hour Post Exposure Test Results.

Thank you again for all the help You, Terri and Dr. HHH have done, it has given me much relief and knowledge on STDs and Prevention, I promise I wont be back again and you are right if I cant overcome my fears with STDs/HIV I shouldn't be doing this stuff in the first place.

Best Regards,


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
96 months ago

Final answers:

1. ON occasion when the discharge is very slight, it may only be noticeable in the morning.  On the other hand, the most commoen cause of slight discharge in the morning, as you note, is nocturnal emission.

2.  No discharge related to STIs does not come and go on a day-to-day basis.

3.  I would not re-test.  you should believe your test results.

This concludes the thread.  Please note that the forum does not permit repeated anxiety driven questions by the same users. This will have to be your last one; future new questions on this topic will be deleted without reply and without refund of your posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not criticism, and is designed to reduce temptations to keep paying for questions with obvious answers; because experience shows that continued answers tends to simply prolong such anxieties, when the real answer normally should be professional counseling; and because such questions have little educational value for other users, one of the forum's main purposes. I trust you will understand.   EWH
