[Question #1625] Vaginal Redness after Oral Sex

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96 months ago
Hello. After having read a few other answered questions, I understand that oral sex exposure poses little risk of STD transmission. I wouldn't normally fret, however, I'm having a few symptoms that align with incubation periods. I am a female who had unprotected oral sex (give and receive) with a man. Approximately 5 days later I had a standard head cold. 12 days after exposure, I started noticing that my vagina felt irritated. For an entire week since, the vulva area has been red. It's the crevice area between the outer and inner labia. Redness runs along the entire crevice. Both sides are red, feel hot, burny and it's very uncomfortable.  There is no discharge, no change in smell, no bumps or blisters or breaking of skin. Just very red and irritated with little change from day to day. I've been tested for STIs (including trich) and all came back negative. I have a gyno appointment set up, but in the meantime, I would like some opinions on whether this could be herpes even though I've not been able to find blisters/sores/etc. Thank you for your time!
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
This sounds absolutely nothing like herpes to me.  Herpes presents with discrete lesions not generalized redness.  Have you had yeast infections in the past?  have you ever treated with yeast medicine?  I'm wondering if this might be a yeast infection - that presents with redness and irritation but also generally itching, do you have itching as well?  How far awy is your appointment, time wise?

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96 months ago
Hi Terri. Thanks for your quick reply. I've only had one yeast infection about 10 years ago that quickly went away with over the counter medication. I generally don't have a lot of complications. I've never had a UTI or bacterial infection, so I don't have past symptoms with which to compare.  There has been zero itching which is what is confusing to me. No itching, no painful urination. Just redness and the feeling of heat and soreness externally. I do run often so I'm not sure if it could be due to this? I would ordinarily assume this, but the timing of the irritation is what concerned me. My doctor appointment is later today, actually. I made it days ago when I noticed little change.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
Well, the appointment today should be very helpful to know what's going on here.  Be sure to tell the doctor about your oral sex exposure.  Let me ask you this - have you ever in your life had a cold sore on your lip?  If yes then contracting it genitally would be extremely unlikely.  Add that to the fact that these are not herpes symptoms.  I will be interested to hear what your doctor thinks is going on here.  Will you please do you final post when you return from your appointment? 

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96 months ago
Hi Terri. My doctor took a look, took some swabs and determined that she thought it was a yeast infection. My bacterial and trich swabs were fine and the yeast swab was a bit high. She said sometimes it can cause external irritation without itching. She gave me a prescription of Difulcan so hopefully that clears up my issue. To answer your question, I've never had a cold sore before. Thanks for your input! Much appreciated.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
thought that might be it!  Even low levels of yeast can cause symptoms for some people.  I'm guessing that she didn't think it was herpes, right?  Hope the Diflucan starts working quickly and that you feel better very soon.
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96 months ago
She said she didn't see anything that looked like herpes when she did an inspection. Thanks again for your help!
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
96 months ago
You are most welcome
