[Question #163] I still cant keep calm!

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111 months ago
Hi! I wrote a couple of days ago because Im worrying about the fact that I might have herpes... I've been having a yeast infection this week and something really strange happened. My gyno prescribed me an only dose of Difulcan and a vaginal cream and told me that if my symptoms didnt cleared off in 1 week I should go back to her so she can perform me a culture and see whats going on. The thing is that I felt like something bloated inside my vagina, This friday I was seated and I felt like something popped inside my vagina and it cause a little bit of a burning sensation (not pain). I felt more discharge than usual but I rushed to the bathroom and it didnt came out blood or pus just the white discharge I was already having. The pressure was completely gone and and I started feeling a lot better. The thing is today ai woke up feeling like a bump is gonna come out inside my labia majora, I cant see anything yet, is hard to touch (like inside the skin) and it doesnt hurt. II woke up this morning experiencing  pain in my left buttock and also my skin is very sensitive to touch. Ive read that nerve pain in that leg is a common herpes sympton. I've never felt this before and Im really scared. Ive had 2 Igg herpes blood tests (1 last year and the other last week) and both came back negative for both types. Im going back to my doctor tomorrow so she can  do the culture since Im not feeling completely recovered. I feel like going crazy thinking about the possibility of having herpes. 
Which are the odds of having a positive culture with 2 negative blood test (with a period of 1 year between them?)
Should I be worried about my symptoms? Are they herpes related? Please help me Ive been worrying about this for 2 weeks now and I still cant find peace! My fear is because my ex used to perform me oral sex (just that I was a virgin) and he used to get cold sores (he didnt said it was herpes he said it was because of stress) but now im scared that he could infected me. He never did something while having the sores (that i remember). Now Im in a new relationship and he is the perfect partner, i dont wanna lose him please help me! 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
111 months ago
Let's get a little clearer about a few things: 
1) had your current partner been tested for herpes by antibody test?  HSV 1 and HSV 2?  Have you had intercourse with him? 
2) when was the last time you had sex with anyone else (your ex - even receiving oral sex? 
3) were you tested for HSV 1 as well as HSV 2?  Cold sores are caused by herpes simples virus type 1  (HSV 1). 

I need to know more about the timing since the antibody test accuracy depends a lot about timing - when you last had sex to see if you waited long enough after a sexual contact for antibody to be developed.

Let me know these answers, OK?

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111 months ago
I don't know if my current partner has been tested and yes we have had intercourse but even though I'm using bc pills we always use condoms. With my ex I only had oral sex being the last time like a year and a half. With my current partner we don't use protection for oral sex but what really worries me are the other symptoms that I had before and that we already discussed. The cause of my stress is my ex not my current partner since he was the one getting cold sores on his lips. The last time I had sex with my current partner was on September 8 but the first time we had sex was in July so if he is infected it would show up in my results already. 

I have been tested for both types and for both my results came back negative with a (0.2) index both. I have never had a cold sore in my mouth, lips or nose. Just the "pimples" that we already talked about. But now I have all this symptoms and it scares me a positive result from a swab test even though my blood tests are negative. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
111 months ago
Did you have a swab test done?  The only way you would have a positive swab test and a negative antibody test is if you have new infection - you have virus present on the skin but not enough time has passed for you to make antibody.  If the last time you had sex with your ex (receiving oral sex) and you are negative for HSV 1 and 2, then you can rely on the negative HSV 2 test and can rely on the HSV 1 test with about 75% certainty.  Good that you are using protection with intercourse with this partner since you don't know if he has been tested.  He could be infected and not know it and this protection provides good safety for you in case he is infected and does not know.  The issue is NOT you putting him at risk for HSV 2 and likely not HSV 1.

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111 months ago
Im gonna visit my gyno tomorrow and I'm gonna have a culture done. Thats why Im scared about results. So you are telling me that the only was to have a positive culture it would be if my current partner "has infected me" since the last time I had sex with my ex was long time ago and it would reflect on the blood test? Im extremely anxious about this... All I do all day is crying and I can barely eat. I've read a lot about the disease and it scares me having HSV 1 on my genitals thats why I ask. Even though I wanna know everything so I can find peace it scares me having positive results. What else could be causing the pain and sensitivity in my leg? 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
111 months ago
Yes, if you had a negative antibody test and a positive culture (is there really something there to culture, like a sore) for HSV 2, then with 98% certainty, it came from this most recent partner.  If you are only having pain and sensitivity in your leg, your clinician would not likely perform a culture of your genitals.  Cultures are almost always done from a lesion of some kind, not just a blind swab from the genitals. 

I think it is important for you to know that at least 56% of the US population has HSV 1 infection somewhere.  If, for example, you did a herpes western blot and found out you were positive for HSV 1 that was not picked up by the screening test, that does not mean you have genital HSV 1 infection - is just means you are infected somewhere.  And if, for example, your current partner tested positive for HSV 1 also, there is almost no risk of each of you passing the virus back and forth.  Have you talked about this with your current partner?  I would suggest that he get test, but then, you know I already think that. 

This is your last post on this thread.  If you want to talk more, you will need to renew your thread.  I would encourage you to step back and try to get a little more perspective on your fear and 1) realize it is unlikely you have HSV 1 and 2) if you do, most other people do also and 3) it would also be useful to know what your current partner has, if anything, in the way of herpes so you both can know what risks there may or may not be in this relationship.
