[Question #164] Follow-up for question #67 - Frottage Risk
111 months ago
Hello Doctors, just would like to provide a brief follow up to an earlier question (#67 on Frottage Risk). Despite Dr. Hook's (accurate) reassurance, I went ahead and tested again for HSV2 (Labcorp) at 12 weeks and 16 weeks (well, 15 weeks 5 days) post-encounter. Both came back negative for HSV2. I could have saved myself a lot of anxiety and trouble if I had just listened to you 2 months, ago, Dr. Hook. Thank you for your expert advice and for continuing to provide a forum for questions like these.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago
Thanks very much for the follow-up. I appreciate it and am gratified that you have been reassured. is there a further question? EWH
111 months ago
Well, I hadn't intended a question, but I will say the stress I put on myself caused me to lose 20 pounds and I believe helped to bring on a mild case of geographic tongue along with fissured tongue. At 58 with a history of occasional canker sores, I understand it isn't surprising that I developed this condition, but at first I thought it might be due to brief contact with the nipple of the csw back in June. I didn't develop the condition until September, though, and the MDs I've seen have diagnosed it as canker sores or glossitis. A dentist I saw said it was geographic tongue, a condition he has. They said it isn't contagious. Just to be sure, I'm seeing an ENT this week.
Also I tested negative for syphilis at 6 weeks and 3 months, so it isn't that.
I only mention this to indicate that unnecessary stress can have a physical impact as well as emotional and marital. All the more encouragement that your services are important and that I would have done well early on to take your advice and not worry so much.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago
Thanks again for your comment. One should never underestimate the profound effect that stress can have on a person. I wish the best going forward. EWH