[Question #1644] oral lesions following mononucleosis
92 months ago
I am asking a question relating to
oral lesions.
I’m a 29 year old male, non
drug-user, heterosexual, sexually active. I have had cold sores (HSV-1) since I
was a child. I get them on average 1 to 3 times a year, on my lips.
This May, I became very sick. I
experienced night sweats, no appetite, fever, weakness, and pharyngitis. Concerned
by my symptoms, I got tested for HIV and Mono. HIV test was neg. and Monospot
test pos. The acute symptoms lasted 1 month, followed by 4 months of lingering
malaise. However, 1 month after onset of my illness, I began having ulcers on my
gums. I have gotten them 1 or 2 at a time, every 2 to 3 weeks, for 5 months.
They were always located on the hard gingiva, at the border between my teeth
and where the gum flesh begins. 2 notable exceptions were two ulcers I had on
the hard palate of my mouth. All were small, crater-like lesions, which
did not bleed, but quite painful to touch and made it painful to eat. They
lasted on average 5 days. They concerned me, and I decided to do a 2nd HIV test
(4th gen) + hep and syphilis tests which were done more than 3 months after any
sexual activity, and which were all negative and thus conclusively ruled those
out. Nevertheless the sores continued until October. However, now in December I
got a cold sore on my lip, which was unremarkable except for the fact that it
was followed the next week by a 2nd cold sore, and the week after
that by a third! I have never in my life experienced 3 cold sores in a row.
Considering the difficult year I’ve had regarding my health, I am now concerned
again about what this means.
My questions are :
Were these oral lesions likely herpes, or something
else entirely?
Should I get further testing done? Should I have any
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
92 months ago
If you are getting more cold sores than usual, you could try daily treatment for a while to see if you can get the virus to settle down a bit.
And no, I don't think you need more testing really - it sounds like your immune system has been a bit down this year and the herpes virus loves to come out when the immune system starts dropping balls periodically and is tries to juggle all the needs for immune response. If you mean do I think you have HIV infection I certainly do not.
92 months ago
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
92 months ago