[Question #1700] Oraquick

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95 months ago
I am sorry my English not very good, I had a  protracted sex with striper for less than 3 minutes then oral sex and at that time the condom fall in here mouth, then I touched here  with my hand and whas full of here floud , i don't remember if I touched my peni after that but i did put a new condom and I didn't do any thing after that, i did oraquick test after 30 days and was negative then after 6.5 weeks and was negative tow then I did the same test after 80 days and was negative . I am married and I had sex with my wife, is there is a chance that I am infacted after the 3 test . Please I need your opinion I am scared 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
95 months ago

Welcome to our Forum.  The OraQuick tests for HIV detect only antibodies and thus might miss an infection if the test was performed too early, before antibodies had formed. For the OraQuick, a negative test at more than 11 weeks (i.e. at 80 days) provides definitive evidence that you were not infected from the exposure you describe.  You can be confident with this result and there is no need for further testing related to the exposure that you describe.  You can be confident that you were not infected and therefore you can also be confident that the exposure you describe did not lead to infection which you could have transmitted to your wife.

It is time to stop worrying about this exposure and move forward without concern.  I hope that my assurances will help you to do this.  EWH

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95 months ago
34 minutes ago
Thank you so much doctor, but just for my information, how long will take for the human to produce the antibodies is that true after the 21 days 4 th weeks or more than that ? And I did the test 3 times as I mentioned before after 4 weeks and 6.5  weeks and 80 days .  And I want to say thank you again. I feel much better now. Sorry for my bad English 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
95 months ago

There is substantial variation in both how long it takes to produce antibodies to an infection and, equally importantly, how good different tests are at detecting them.  In general however, all persons who become HIV infected will have detectable antibodies using all currently available tests by 8 weeks after infection.  The Oraquick tests are a little slower than some of the other, laboratory-based tests but still accurate by then.  Your tests at 4 and 6.5 weeks might have been a little early for 100% confidence in the results but your 80 day results are definitive. 

I'm glad my responses were helpful.  EWH

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95 months ago
Please doctor you mean that oraquick  will detect the antibodies at 8 weeks but  the result is not 100% and after 8 weeks will give 100% results, and in my case because I did the test 3 times do think is a good sign, and can I forget about hiv ? I am scared doctor each time I think of it. I used the condom. Its just when it falls down and I had to change with nee one , but I didn't do anything after that . I know I am asking alot its just because I don't know about it. And because of the internet and what is there about hiv , because of this I know you are the experts. Thank you 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
95 months ago

This is a repetitive question.  I have already told you that the Oraquick is not 100% accurate at 8 weeks abut by 11 weeks when you took your final result the test was definitive.  I assure you, you did not get HIV from the exposure you described.  There is no reason for concern.  There is no reason for further testing.

In addition, I strongly recommend that you stay off the internet.  The statements there are often misleading and incorrect. 

This is my third reply to your questions.  As per Forum Guidelines, this is the final replay made as part of this thread.   The thread will be closed later today.  EWH
