[Question #1706] Singer Club Mistake
93 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
93 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I'll be pleased to comment on your questions.
STIs are actually harder to get than most people believe and the events and exposures you describe did not put you at risk for HIV or any other STI. First most people, even most exotic dancers and commercial sex workers do not have an STI of any sort. Secondly, even with genital to genital contact (which you did NOT have), most exposures to infected persons do not lead to infection; Thirdly and most importantly there are no STIs that are transmitted though: kissing (even deep kissing); through masturbation of a sexual partner; or through receipt of masturbation from a sexual partner, even when saliva is used for lubrication. thus I can assure you that although you appear to regret the events that took place, they did not put you at ANY risk for any STI, including HIV. There is absolutely no reason for concern or for testing related to the events that you describe.
I hope my comments are reassuring. EWH