[Question #1707] Hiv Risk .. Worried again

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92 months ago
Sorry Doctor i am concerned again and i wanna ask you ..
on 28th december , i went and met a transextual girl.. She gave me oral sex and we had protected anal sex. I put a condom and had sex .. I cum inside my condom in about 2 minutes. All my cum was inside the condom when i took it out , i could touch outside the condom and my cum was inside . I am sure it didnt break...

I did following HIV test :-
After 20 days 
The test was with Melbourne pathology
HIV 1/2 ANTIGEN / ANTIBODY -- Negative.

After 27 days 

The test was with Melbourne pathology
HIV 1/2 ANTIGEN / ANTIBODY -- Negative.

After 34 days 

Semens Advia Centaur Combo Ag + AB
Non reactive 

(Also says you have to test 3 months to exclude infection)

I have been so worried. No where i can see that 4 weeks is conclusive for ag / ab .. You have experience testing patients with this ?

I called  Melbourne health sextual centre and they do  6 weeks conclusive with only antibody test i dont understand.. They dont repeat if its negative.. and they say their blood test has a window period of 6 weeks .. I dont understand what special equipemnt they have or they have understood that it does not take more than 6 weeks..

The GP who has no hiv knowledge again just follows what it says in labs report ..

I am co confused
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
92 months ago
Welcome back to the forum. But I'm sorry to see you remain so concerned after the reasoned, science-based reassurance you had from Dr. Hook.

And I'm afraid I really cannot help very much. My answers are exactly the same. You were not at risk of HIV from the exposure described (HIV has never once been proved to be transmitted by oral sex, mouth to penis); and the test results you posted last time PROVED you did not catch HIV. Any additional tests since then were a waste of money.

Australia's national sexual health centres are probably the world's very best STD/HIV clinics, and Melbourne's is the best of the best; they are renowned world wide for their expertise and the research they do on STD/HIV. You can rely 100% on any advice they give. As they told you, the stand-alone antibody tests are conclusive at 6 weeks, even though official advice often says 3 months; and the antigen-antibody tests are conclusive any time 4 weeks or more after the last exposure. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS, EVER.

Official advice from some companies, testing services, and other agencies is necessarily conservative and often overstates the time needed for conclusive results. The Melbourne SHC doesn't have any special equipment or test, I'm very happy to hear they do not feel they need to stick with that party, and instead give accurate information based on the best science.

So my advice is just as you heard from Dr. Hook:  Believe your HIV test results and do not have any more tests. And stop searching the internet or asking different labs about how they interpret tests. All you are doing is inflaming your fears because your anxieties are leading you to mis-interpret the information you find. Just lay off the internet about this, period.

Regards--  HHH, MD

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92 months ago
Thanks Doctor.. I know oral is not a risk but i did protected anal sex too ..All my cum was on top of condom inside.. it didnt break i am sure..

I am a bit relieved afteryour comments but this but i am just worried that my last test was 34 days with siemens duo ( Siemens ADVIA Centaur HIV Ag/Ab Combo (cHIV) assay. This was tested by another pathology than Melbourne pathology. The other test melbourne pathology did also said ag/ab and i emailed them they said they use fourth generation testing.

I found this :-

The ADVIA Centaur HIV Ag/Ab Combo assay is designed to simultaneously detect the presence of the HIV viral protein (p24 antigen) and the antibodies produced in response to the HIV (HIV-1 or HIV-2) viral infection.1 The ability to detect both the antigen and the antibody may enable earlier detection of acute infection, allowing both clinical management and behavior modification that may reduce transmission

This is definitely a fourth generation yeah - Siemens one? 
The 21 days , 27 days and 34 days duo can miss an infection ?
I am just worried only cause my test was not done at 6 weeks . Please elaborate and tell me if i am okay to move on.

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92 months ago
Also, in another forum you said you are a std expert and not hiv .. Does that mean doctor hook is an hiv expert? SoRRY I AM JUST anxious.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
92 months ago
Yes, it's a 4th generation test, same as "duo" test. 21 days could miss an infection.  27 days is one day short, but probably would miss no infections. 34 days is conclusive for sure.

The tests do not have to be done at those exact times. Did you really think that? The tests become conclusive at those times, then are conclusive forever. For example, a 4th gen test is just as valid at 1 month, 3 months, a year, and 30 years later.

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92 months ago
I was worried they missed an infection since its only 34 days ?? What are the chances it will change at 6 weeks?
Is three hiv combo at that times enough to exclude hiv infection? 
SHould i retsest at 6 weeks?
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92 months ago
I just spoke to Melbourne sextual centre lady and she said they only do a test at 6 weeks (Antibody ) and if thats negative its negative.. they only do combination test for higher risk people etc.. She said i didnt need testing at the first place but i have done 5 weeks test .. she said we say 6 weeks but i am sure she said this cause she didnt know i had a 4th generation test .. I have booked an appointment to see a Councillor at the sextual centre next week..
Doctor please confirm if i should test again at 6 weeks after these three test ?

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
92 months ago
You are re-asking questions that have been answered. What is it you don't understand about this? How many times and in how many different ways do we have to say it?


This thread is over. Repetative anxiety driven questions are not permitted. Do not post these same questions again; if you do, the question will be deleted without reply, and without refund of the posting fee. If there is anything you still do not understand, re-read your thread with Dr. Hook a week ago and this one, concentrating on every word. There is nothing more you can ask that has not been answered.
