[Question #1713] if you sat on needle would you know it hiv clinic
92 months ago
hello dr hunter .hopefully a nice sunny
day for you and maybe you can help me with my irrational thought if you can
bare with me so here goes
i went to hiv clinic(small office ) for some counseling . first time i think i
didn't need to . it was in very average condition as it was globally funded .
i sat with the person who greeted me with open arms and asked me if i wanted to
have a test and what were my concerns . he was very polite i was already in a
negative state of mind and had some sort of needle phobia before. he
offered me tea
and then said he is HIV positive and staff working here is also hiv positive .
so that we all help & understand
people with hiv .
i don't know what happened i was having tea and my heart beat got fast . i got
really nervous . Because it was a low budget clinic very low but they seemed to
have big hearts . i wanted to leave asap without showing that im
insulting them . coming to the point i said my farewell
i got out and i felt some pinching on the right buttcheeks of mine. i
only sat on the COUCH and one chair
my irrational question is as follows
q1 if there was needle in the couch i would have felt it?
q2. i had pants on and underwear also so it would have to penetrate my
clothing i would have felt immense pain ?
q3) has there anyone been infected with hiv before like this by sitting on
needle with through clothing in history?
q4 out of panic i did examine my body when i went home i had some spots on my
right butt cheeks i think i had them before and that could have been the cause
of ithcing would my butt cheeks have bled or left a huge wound if there was
needle in the couch ?
q5 im only nervous because there hiv positive and if they wanted to harm me with a needle I would have 100 percent notice ?
q6 is this urban myth?
im scared im sorry I wont visit this places again . I was just trying to take some help and instead they fueled it more
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
92 months ago
92 months ago
Yes I did have risk 3months ago was tested for all stds but I think I'm overthinking.
No doctor has given me the reply as you have .
in 40years nobody has gotten HIV by sitting on a needle with clothing is best thing ever you could have said to me .some doctors said it could be a risk .thank you for reassurance.
Q1) May I know why this has never happened in 40years?
I would like to use my follow up question which has one more irrational question and one on ars
I went to clinic to have HIV test via winged infusion (double pointed needle tube) they use a vaccutainer The nurse had latex gloves on
Q2) if nurse would touch the needle tip of the needle with latex gloves would that bring any blood on the needle from her ,she drew blood from me would that be a risk ?
Q3) do gloves prevent needle stick and did there have to be significant amount of blood on needle from her finger if she did pric to put me at risk for HIV?
Simple terms irrational fear that nurse pricked her finger with gloves and proceeded to blood draw from my vein . Please give facts on this matter.
if I assume from 10 to 20 days exposure I have no ars such as fever ,full body rash and extreme sour throat and lymph nodes . Can I safely move on ?
Q4 when do ars appear and how long do they stay for ?
Q5 something would happen to me in next 20days if this was risk correct like I would have full body rash ?
I have sour throat only because of smoking lasted only a day and got better the next day .
I'm asking this because if I don’t have ars I I will simply move on that would help and won't test
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
92 months ago
92 months ago
in all honesty this is my 4th month on testing hiv . i did 4th generation test
im sure all of this is just irrational
40 years = needle sitting with clothes = no hiv
40 years= blood draw = no hiv
then i think its over i think i am indeed well !
i am planning to get married this year but guilt on transferring it to someone would be unbearable
have i done enough now ?
if you were in this position .these are now no risk situations im sure since you have read my fears which have fallen tremendously. LOOKING at all of my fears
i showed you would EVER RECOMMENED ME TO TEST AGAIN IF YOU HAD A DOUBT ?. or i should just move on and can start thinking about marriage .
if i ever test based on these risks i just mentioned i will be hiv negative ? . i have a feeling im just paranoid and thank you for telling me I AM WELL
thank you doctor your final word
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
92 months ago