[Question #1746] Transmission risk from mutual masturbation

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95 months ago

I recently went to a massage parlor. The masseur massaged my body, penis, and testicles, and I grabbed his penis and testicles before I finished masturbating myself.  I think he did not touch himself before he touched my genitals, but I touched myself after touching him. I showered immediately after the massage, if that makes any difference. We had no oral or genital-to-genital contact. 

A few questions:

1. I'm concerned about a herpes transmission. I did not see any lesions on the masseur, but it was dark.  Am I at risk of contracting HSV based on this encounter? 

2. If I'm not at risk of contracting HSV based on this encounter, can you let me know what would make mutual masturbation, if anything, unsafe for purposes of an HSV transmission?  I'm just trying to understand the virus. 

3. Do you recommend testing for this encounter? If so, when should I get tested, and what test should I use? 

Thank you.


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95 months ago
One additional piece of information- I think I had lotion on my hands while I touched the masseur. I'm not sure if that makes a difference either, but I wanted to let you know. Thank you in advance for the help and information. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
95 months ago
No, I do not believe anything that you did presents a risk for you acquiring a herpes infection.  It takes way more contact than you had  of a totally different kind to acquire genital herpes. In fact, I don't believe that your experience puts you at risk for any STD.  You practiced very safe sex - excellent job!  I don't recommend testing to see if you have herpes from this encounter - there was just no risk there.  I hope you can put this concern behind you this weekend and just enjoy your Sunday afternoon.

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95 months ago
Thank you, Terri. I appreciate the prompt response. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
95 months ago
You are most welcome.  Happy to be of help.  Your question was any easy one!

