[Question #1759] Oral sex NGU and Anxiety
93 months ago
Thank you for your expert help, I have been reading your information for 4 months now (including several studies and CDC/govt sites), and feel having you address my own concern will help put this event behind me (male 30, monogamous 5 years). Event, brief (1min) receipt of oral sex from female CSW, no ejaculation in month, hand finish (10/15/2016). 3 day later immediate panic/guilt/anxiety set in, symptoms of penis tip sensitivity and frequent urination. Gon/Ch/HIV/Syph testing 3, 14, 25, and 60 days post exposure at STI clinic (confident in results). Concern is NGU, already have cold sores since child. Went to STI clinic 25 days post exposure got physical exam and urethral swab, RN said no NGU. Went to STI clinic for second swab test 60 days post exposure, negative again, RN said no NGU, no sign discharge, not necessary to treat. I have never seen any discharge anytime, checking everyday, extra close in morning, and no dysuria, no sores, no redness, all normal. It is now 4 months still have sensitive/irriated/tingling penis, especially when sitting at work, mostly on the head, occasional warm scrotem. I feel this is anxiety fueled, as the symptoms are worse when I am more anxious, but still have doubt I am clean. I also had a urinalysis, digital prostate and physical exam 60 days post at my doctors, all clean.
1) Do I have NGU or any other STD, do I need to be treated or take
anymore tests?
Edward W. Hook M.D.
93 months ago
Welcome to our Forum and thanks for your question. The short answer, which I will then expand on, is that you are in the clear. Here's a bit more detail:
1. You do not have NGU. I say this with confidence for several reasons which include: 1. The you do not have symptoms of NGU (tingling does not count, see below), your tests for chlamydia are negative, and, most importantly, your swab test, taken at an STI Clinic did not show NGU and would have at the 25 day time point when you sought care there. The tingling you are experiencing in clients who are focused on looking for abnormal genital sensations and are nervous about STIs. This leads to becoming aware of normal sensations which are always there and would normally not be noticed.
2. Your partner is not at risk, both because you do not have NGU but, also because, when persons have NGU which is not caused by chlamydia (so-called non-chlamydial NGU). there is little evidence that their partners are at risk for any infection-related problems.
Bottom line, I suggest you focus your attention at somewhere other than your genitals and not worry that you might have acquired an STI from the low risk exposure you have described. EWH
93 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
93 months ago
If I had seen you in my STD Clinic and had not found NGU, I would not have treated you either. it is not good medicine to treat "just in case"! The clinicians in the STD Clinic had a reliable test result which showed you were not infected. With respect to your follow-up questions:
1. No WBC far outweigh symptoms such as itch or tingling. When itch and tingling are present in persons with NGU, they are accompanied by a discharge or burning on urination.
2. Absolutely. it is more than time for you to stop checking and to move forward without concern.
3. Nothing you have describe suggests a need for treatment in any way.
I hope this helps. Take care. EWH.
93 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
93 months ago
1. The urethral discharge of NGU can be mild and, as you know, some men with NGU have only dysuria. In such instances the urethral gram stain (which you had) helps to discriminate NGU from normal sensations. In men with NGU the discharge is typically more evident after having not voided for several hours, including on awakening from sleep.
. I think the clinician you spoke with was trying to be reassuring. The dysuria can be mild as well. Once again, when there is a concern, a Gram stain provides the discrimination answer.
I'm pleased my comments were helpful Take care
p.s. as you know, this thread will be administratively closed in a few hours. EWH