[Question #1774] Terrified of possible hiv infection
94 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I'll do my best to help.
My first advice is to stay off the internet. I can assure you that going to the net will only needlessly amplify your anxiety and fear as much of what is there is taken out of context, mis-interpreted or just plain wrong.
Second, your symptoms are not those of ANY STI, including the ARS associated with recent HIV. They are they symptoms of an "every day" upper respiratory tract infection that folks get while traveling.
Third. please know that most commercial sex workers do not have HIV and most exposures to infected persons do not lead to infection. At this time you can go get tested for gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomonas with a urine specimen, for gonorrhea with a throat swab and syphilis with a blood test and expect reliable results, particularly given your lack of symptoms. A 4th generation HIV blood test will not be completely accurate until 28 days following exposure but at this time would detect the majority of infections. We recommend AGAINST getting blood tests at this time in your situation as the test will not be helpful and has a fair chance of being falsely positive in this situation.
I hope these comments are helpful. EWH