[Question #1788] please help.
94 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I'll be happy to comment. Your exposures are very low risk both for HIV and for HSV. Protected genital sex is virtually no risk if the condom is worn throughout the event and there is almost no risk for HIV or HSV-2 from unprotected fellatio even in the unlikely event that your partner was infected with either. The likelihood that your partner had HIV if he did not have sex with other men and was not an IV drug user is far less than 1% and the risk for HIV from performing fellatio on an HIV infected is less than I infection per 10,000 acts of fellatio. As for HSV-2, oral HSV-2 infections are very, very uncommon and when they occur they typically cause small vesicles on the lips and outside of the mouth, not sore throat. What is far more likely is that you have a non-STI viral infection which is lingering. Mononucleosis can do this, so can other community-acquired, non-STI viral infections that circulate in the general population. Neither HIV nor HSV are associated with tonsillitis or laryngitis. I suspect your current, lingering symptoms are not related to the exposure you mention above but are coincidental. thus, to specifically address your questions: .
94 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
It sounds like your doctor is being thorough. that's a good thing. Just as an FYI, about 20-5% of mono is not detected by the tradional mono test. I suspect the therapy you reacieved will make you feel better.
94 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Grinding without penetration ("frottage") is a no risk act. Even if he had not worn a condom, since there was no penetration, there would be no risk for HIV or other STIs. This was a no risk event.
As you know, this is my third reply to your questions. Thus, as per Forum guidelines, this will be my final reply. This thread will be closed in a few hours. I hope my comments have been helpful to you. Please don't worry and continue to practice safe sex. EWH