[Question #1789] Oral Gonorrhea

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94 months ago
I assume the only way to contract oral gonorrhea is by giving oral to a male. I gave brief oral to a male 8 months ago. If I had contracted it, would i still have it? Can it be passed through intercourse? Also, if I had 2  NEGATIVE RPR tests at 10/14 weeks after receiving oral, would that be conclusive  for syphilis?  All other tests including hiv (4th) at 14'weeks are negative. Why would I have neck, eye,
Joint pain  now? Is anxiety fueling this or is there something non std related going on?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago

Welcome to the Forum.  Oral gonorrhea can be asymptomatic and while rare, can persist.  It can also resolve without therapy.  If you are concerned about oral gonorrhea the best way to be 100% sure that you are not infected is with a throat swab tested for gonorrhea.  From what you say however, at this time and related to the exposure you describe, I would say that gonorrhea is quite unlikely.

As for syphilis and HIV, your test results are definitive at this time and there is no need to repeat them. You have proven that you do not have gonorrhea of HIV from the exposure you describe.

I would suggest you work with your own regular doctor to look for other, non-STI reasons for the symptoms you describe.  Problems such as neck, eye and joint pain can be caused by a long list of non-STI problems that would be best evaluated by a primary care provider.  EWH

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94 months ago
Thanks Dr Hook. If I had oral gonorrhea though, can it be passed to my wife through unprotected intercourse?
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
If you had oral gonorrhea, which, as I mentioned is quite unlikely, you could only transmit it through oral sex and even that sort of transmission is unlikely.  EWH
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94 months ago
Thank you once again! Questions before I look to my GP for answers outside an std. 
1.) what part is rare? Being asymptotic or persisting past 6+ months or both?
2.) can urethral GN be spread to eyes or throat somehow? Rubbing eyes etc?
3.) are the symptoms I've mentioned, consistent GN and/or oral GN?
4). I had a treatment after my negative 10 week test of 1G of Zith and 100mg of Doxy twice/day for 7 days. Would this have cured oral GN or GN? I've read that Oral GN does not respond to these antibiotics and neither would GN. True or false? 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago

1.  each of these variables you list would be quite uncommon.  For the combination to be present would be extraordinarily rare, rarer than being struck by lightening.

2. No, not realistically

3. No!

4.  Yes, this would have probably although not definitively cured gonorrhea.  you should have mentioned this in your initial note.  Yes, these drugs do cure oral gonorrhea although not 100 of the time.

