[Question #1793] Follow-up on previous question about Herpes

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93 months ago
Hello again Nurse Warren, this is a follow-up from a previous post about herpes. I described the encounter with a sex worker and some worries about herpes symptoms. I spoke to Dr Hook and mentioned a white spot that strongly resembles other follicle points on my scrotum. The spot has not grown in size since I noticed it a few days ago and has no sensation that I can tell. Can you give me some idea of what an early sore would look like? Would it fit that description at all? Would it look like a white dot (similar to the follicles around it)?

I've also had some tingling on my lip that may be a cold sore. If it were to appear as a cold sore should I have any worry that the same will happen soon on my scrotum? Is there any link between the appearance of one and another? Can you have oral herpes that migrates to your genitalia? Or would it need to be an entirely new infection down there?

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
93 months ago
welcome back!  Often men will get a sebaceous cyst on the scrotum.  It appears as a white bump - some are big and some are small.  You can google it.  Most herpes lesions would appear as a water blister and then very quickly pop and form an ulcer and then a crust.  I wouldn't say it looks like a white dot actually but I suppose you might characterize it that way - hard to know. 

Have you had cold sores in the past?  Oral herpes does not migrate to the genitals, no.  It would be a brand new infection genitally

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93 months ago
The white bump on my scrotum is nearly identical to all others around it aside from the fact that its larger (and therefore more noticeable). It hasnt grown in size or exhibited any sensations since I noticed it a few days ago so I'm assuming that's a good sign. 

I'm pretty sure I had a cold sore about 10 years ago on the side of my mouth. Would the stress and anxiety of worrying about having genital herpes trigger an outbreak on my lips? I dont see anything on my lips yet but there were some sensations that made me nervous. Possibly it's all in my head? Thank you for your continued assistance and reassurance.
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93 months ago
How soon after having symptoms of a cold sore would it appear? 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
93 months ago
Do you mean how long after infection would a cold sore show up? If you had one before,then this would be a recurrence.  Usually, prodrome (the "before" feelings) appear a day or before an actual outbreak.  I don't think it's all in your head but you could be recognizing sensations that you didn't recognize before because you are so worried,would you agree thatq might be possible?

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93 months ago
Yes, I believe that's very possible. The last 3 weeks have been highly stressful for me (because of the worry about contracting genital herpes). I have tight neck muscles that cause pain in my neck and jaw so the tingling feeling in my mouth could be related to that. But, because of the previous worry about GH, I started worrying that the tingling in my lips was cold sore related. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
93 months ago
I totally understand and hope you can put this worry away very soon.