[Question #181] Please help.
111 months ago
I apologize if this question is a little overboard, but nonetheless i am concerned. I was fingered about a week and a half ago. I did take medication for bv, which was a gel that you insert. After using this medication, my discharge became clumpy like.
What are the chances of getting herpes from herpes whitlow?
Have you ever seen a case?
Is it even worth me worrying about?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
111 months ago
Hi Danielle. No question is overboard here. Are you wondering here if the clumpy discharge is due to herpes? The discharge caused by herpes is normally watery and is a result of the virus causing cells on the cervix to break open and dump their contents into the vagina.
While it is theoretically possible to acquire genital herpes by someone with herpetic whitlow putting their fingers in your vagina, I have never ever seen this in 33 years of practice. I also think that if someone had herpetic whitlow (which is, in itself, uncommon) they wouldn't be inserting that finger in someone's vagina.
I would say it isn't worth you worrying about, honestly. I know sometimes people get very worried about acquiring herpes and their minds rush into places like this, but I think you could take it off your worry list.
Let me know if you have other questions, Ok?
While it is theoretically possible to acquire genital herpes by someone with herpetic whitlow putting their fingers in your vagina, I have never ever seen this in 33 years of practice. I also think that if someone had herpetic whitlow (which is, in itself, uncommon) they wouldn't be inserting that finger in someone's vagina.
I would say it isn't worth you worrying about, honestly. I know sometimes people get very worried about acquiring herpes and their minds rush into places like this, but I think you could take it off your worry list.
Let me know if you have other questions, Ok?
111 months ago
Oh okay, it seems as if this isn't something that happens (at least not often) and I shouldn't be worried.
If i were to acquire herpes this way, how would i know?
I'm guessing that sores would be on my cervix, but the only symptoms i'm having right now is clumpy discharge. No soreness or burning, and it's been 2 weeks since the exposure.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
111 months ago
Most people who acquire herpes have symptoms within 2-10 days, perhaps 14 days at the outside edge.
I think most likely if you had acquired herpes and were observing very carefully for symptoms, you would have noticed them.
Agree that the chances of you getting herpes via this method is extremely remote, most certainly.
I think most likely if you had acquired herpes and were observing very carefully for symptoms, you would have noticed them.
Agree that the chances of you getting herpes via this method is extremely remote, most certainly.
111 months ago
I have examined myself sometimes by looking, but mostly by touching to make sure there are no abnormal bumps. I have not felt any yet. However, since his finger would of been in my vagina, that is the only place I have not examined myself (the cervix).
How would I know if I had herpes inside the vaginal canal or perhaps cervix? I don't know if I'm getting the anatomy correct, but I'm talking about the place where his fingers would of been inserted into (the vaginal walls I think)? Sorry if I'm confusing you.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
111 months ago
It would be difficult for you to have much luck examining your vagina visually or your cervix. But I will say that if you got new genital herpes from this encounter, lesions would not just be in the vagina or cervix but also on the outside of your genital area. The virus would travel along the sacral nerves and show up in multiple locations. I think you should feel reassured that you have no lesions. I would expect things to stay that way. If I have never seen this happy to anyone in 33 years so it seems highly unlikely that you would be the first right?
111 months ago
Okay, that really puts things into perspective. Thank you for the information. Just clarification on one last thing.
I have hsv 1 orally, so if I were to get an outbreak would that delay the process?
I've examined myself everyday and have not noticed any bumps yet and it's been 13 days, am I out of the woods yet?
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
111 months ago
Delay the process? Do you mean delay the process of developing antibody? Yes, it would but I still don't think that's what is going on here. The longest I have seen between infection and symptoms is 18 days - most within 5.5 days. You are definitely close!