[Question #1831] Initial herpes symptoms on day 23?
95 months ago
Dr. Hansfield,
I had condom protected sex with a stripper/sex worker 27
days ago. We did some rolling around without condom so there may have
been some direct skin to skin contact. I did not have any symptoms until
day 23 when 3 or 4 stinging red bumps appeared at tip of penis. Bumps
appeared suddenly upon return from swimming in ocean. At first
I thought maybe it was a jellyfish sting. One bump is slightly inside
penis hole and other small 3 bumps are to right and below hole.
Bumps stung a good bit for about 12 hours (stinging urination for several hours). Since then there is not much stinging or pain (no itching) and appearance of bumps has not changed much. On 25th day(this Wednesday) I had full STD work up and was negative for everything (IGg less than 0.91). It is my understanding that result is about 50% accurate after 3.5 weeks.
I went to see doctor today. She examined bumps. She could not rule out herpes, but seemed to think it was more likely fungal/yeast (sitting in wet bathing suit). She said herpes site would typically hurt first and then a bump or blister would form. She also said bumps were very small and appeared to be healing (3 days following onset). On a side note I have been itching a good bit lately. That is not that unusual as I have frequently had jock itch and dry skin. I had shingles once or twice. Doctor prescribed me one fluconazole pill and clotrimazole cream.
Based upon this information how likely do you think I have herpes? Doctor acknowledged 23 days is a long time for initial symptoms, but said I could have been asymptomatic or not noticed irregularities. Any other ideas as to cause of bumps? If it is fungal would it have been acquired through sex 23 days before onset? Also, please confirm accuracy of IGg test at 25 days.
Thank you for your help. Your online postings much appreciated. If I manage to come out of this episode I am giving up alcohol and sex.Please respond as soon as you can. Needless to say I am very concerned.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
95 months ago
I think it is far more likely that something in the ocean was causing your symptoms. If you had no symptoms before going in the ocean and emerged with stinging bumps, that totally makes me think it was something from the sea.
Also, the condom that you used (good job, btw) would be very good protection against acquiring an STI.
I am concerned about you saying that you've shingles once or twice. Would you be willing to expand on that comment - how did that look, what testing if any was done, how was the diagnosis made? Are you saying the antifungals were prescribed for the shingles?
The accuracy of IgG testing for HSV 2 at 25 days is about 50% - that is, there is about a 50% chance that the result that you obtain on the test at 3 weeks will remain the same at 12 weeks.
Though the test isn't useful for this encounter, it does give you a baseline result which is very useful! We know now that you weren't infected (with 95% certainty) with HSV 2 prior to this encounter. And since this encounter was condom protected and a single encounter, I think the chances of you becoming infected at this encounter are extremely low
95 months ago
Hi Terri,
I had shingles I was not given any tests. An area on my chest was
extremely sensitive to touch (very painful). My dermatologist made
diagnosis based upon my symptoms. I did not have much of a rash. I was
given medicine (don't recall name) and got better in fairly short order.
I did have chicken pox as a child and then again in my early 20s (now
fungal medication was given to me by another doctor at a clinic I
visited on Thursday. In her opinion most likely diagnosis of bumps is
fungal/yeast infection on tip of penis.
noticed bumps about an hour or so after swimming in ocean when I was
taking a shower. I do not recall any stinging or pain while I was
(5th day) bumps are less red with basically same shapes. After initial onset stinging gradually subsided. However, today I am getting some stinging with urination. There has not been any itching and bumps are not really painful to touch. I have
not noticed any water filled blisters, but the stinging concerns me. I
have been using fungal cream (clotrimazole) for almost 3 days. Are these
symptoms consistent with yeast/fungal infection? Do you still think
herpes is unlikely? Any thoughts are much appreciated.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
95 months ago
I'm so glad that you were seen in person and that a visual diagnosis was made of a fungal infection.
There is a condition called candida balanitis. You can look up pictures. It causes red bumps on the head of the penis - quite common actually. So the skin symptoms that you describe are consistent with a fungal infection (candida balanaitis is a fungal infection) but the stinging with urination is not likely due to this skin condition though I guess is possible. Do you notice any discharge from the end of the penis? If you continuing to have pain with urination, you should be worked up for any urethral infection you might have. I do think herpes is really unlikely here, given that the physician didn't think it was herpes and you don't describe any water blisters. If this continues please don't rely upon an internet resource such as this - you need to be seen in person for that as well - probably a different problem but that's a guess.
95 months ago
Hi Terri,
was concerned about stinging and went back to clinic. Doctor thinks I
got anti-fungal cream in opening of penis. Doctor said bumps are almost
certainly fungal infection or general skin irritation as opposed to
herpes (late onset, lack of change in bumps, no water blisters, lack of
painful ulcers). Doctor checked my urine for infection (negative), gave
me a stronger oral anti-fungal and told me to be more careful applying
cream too close to opening.
stinging has mostly gone away. I feel a whole lot better all around
(glad I went back for second visit) and anticipate getting back to
normal shortly. I'll drop you a note here when I do. At some point I may
get a final STD test although it probably isn't necessary.
is so much generalized STD information on internet that tends to lead
people to think the worst with any ailment. Reading the questions and
answers on this forum gives some real world perspective as to STD
transmission. Keep up the good work.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
95 months ago