[Question #1843] A innocent visit to the dentist hiv dentist tool(braces tightening)
90 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
90 months ago
Welcome to the Forum. The events you describe are not associated with any risk for HIV. No one has ever been infected in this way and you will not be the first. I would advise you to believe the dentist who assured you that the tool used was clean but, even if it was not (I believe it was), HI quickly becomes non-infectious on exposure to the atmosphere. There is no risk and no need for testing related to this event. Now, in answer to your specific questions:
1. See above, even if blood was present (why would you not believe the dentist?), it would not be infectious.
2. Neither nicks, not cutting your gums deeply would put you at risk because none of these actions would introduce infected secretions into you.
3. Correct, see above.
4. No, never to my knowledge and I would have heard of it if it had occurred.
5. To my knowledge, only one patient has been directly infected by a dentist and that was done intentionally by a mentally ill dentist in Florida who intentionally infected a young woman by injecting (with a needle) infectious material directly into her with a needle.
I agree with the information you received from the Vancouver site. As I said early, I see this as a no risk event and see no reason for concern or to seek HIV testing. I hope you will find my comments reassuring. EWH .
90 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
90 months ago
90 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
90 months ago
You are clearly nervous about the events you describe and apparently facts will not change this. You are now asking "what if" and "is it possible" type questions which serve little purpose. Further, you clearly would like to have a guarantee and I cannot do this. In human science there are no absolutes because something that has not been seen or described before could be discovered tomorrow. Further, scientific data are estimates and probabilities but estimated with a known degree of precision. If I tell you that millions of people have had their braces adjusted on multiple occasions and that there has never been a case of HIV linked to such procedures, that should be comforting. It does not mean that it could not occur tomorrow but that the odds are very, very strongly in your favor that and that there is no reasonable reason for concern. That's the best science can provide you with and asking repetitive questions will not help that. Below are the final answers provided as part of this thread. Later today, now that you have received three replies there will be no further answers and as described in the Forum guidelines, this thread will be closed.
1. This effect is immediate. Conditions such as temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions could effect this but there are no absolute data. As I said earlier, there are NO instances in which transmission has occurred with transfer of infectious material to another person on hands or the surface of inanimate objects.
2. See my comment about science and scientific data above. Your risk is lower than the risk that you will be struck by lightening while reading my reply.
The oral cavity is not a site where infection occurs regularly., Your mouth and gums are full of bacteria and yet no infection occurs. Observation of millions and millions of people show that gum disease is not a demonstrated source of infection.
You are hung up in CUTS while this is NOT the way HIV is transmitted. Cuts with dental instruments or even blades are different from the process of INJECTING material deep into tissue with hollow bore needles which, unlike solid objects like dental instruments, can carry blood deep into tissue. The distinction is an important one
I hope you will be able to move on. Further, repetitive posts will not be answered. EWH . .
90 months ago