[Question #1853] A query for dr Ed hook with love ( blood swallow &casual contact )
94 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Welcome to the Forum. I'll be glad to address your concerns. I suspect I wasn't scolding people regarding misperceptions of how HIV is transmitted. What I said in 2010 however remains to be true. There is NO evidence that ingestion of small (or I guess large although I'm not sure why or how that would happen) amounts of blood is a risk factor for HIV. Certainly there are NO instances in which HIV has even been suggested as having been acquired from ingestion (eating or drinking) food or drinks contaminated with HIV contaminated food or liquids and thus this is not something to worry about. The reasons for this continue to be that the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract are resistant to the many bacteria and viruses that come in contact with it on a daily basis, as well as the fact that one food and drink get to the stomach the acid there would kill viruses, preventing infection. Anything encountered on the internet which suggests otherwise is wrong. No, to address your specific questions:
94 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
94 months ago
Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
These are repetitive questions. HIV is transmitted only by INJECTION of infected material DEEP into tissue. Surface contamination does not transmit infect, including in the mouth. HIV is not transmitted by superficial scratches. No one has ever been proven to have become infected by being scratched inside the mouth by an HIV infected. NEVER means never.
This is my third reply to these questions. Therefore, there will be no further replies and this thread will be closed later today. Further repetitive, anxiety-driven questions will be deleted without comment and without refund of any fees. You need to relax and move on. Take care. EWH
94 months ago