[Question #1854] Penis Discharge
94 months ago
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
94 months ago
Thanks for your question. I'll try to help. One of the things we are proud of is that when we don't have a good explanation for something we say so. In your case, I am at a loss to suggest what the discharge you noted might be - as you suggest, it may be related to your encounter without ejaculation last night. Years of experience however indicate that there are no STIs which would cause the sort of discharge you describe 12-18 hours after sex. My advice would be that you do not need to seek evaluation at this time but, should it recur, I would seek evaluation at that time and urge that you request not only tests for gonorrhea and chlamydial infection but also a test for inflammation, optimally with a urethral gram stain although getting a urine test to look for white blood cells would be a less satisfactory second choice.. If it does not recur, I would not worry.
I hope this suggestion and guidance is helpful to you. EWH