[Question #1861] Will my skin protect me from Baber hands ?massage blood exposure

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89 months ago
Hello dr hunter 

I need your help because if  I can't have  your approval I'll be stuck .will try to keep question simple  . It's a  hobby that I have had to let go  and haven't done in months and I want it back with your help 

My visit to the Baber shop is shaky these days . 

To simply the question in general : would like to know if pure HIV blood can penetrate scalp skin and go trough my hair holes and can HIV live in beauty products and massage oil . 

I want you you think my babar is HIV positive and respond accordingly since we will have worse case scenarios in this question so that I get everything straight 

I fear the Babar's hands and struggle to have simple massages from barber 

My question will be divided in two parts 

Pure blood exposure (part1) 

Q1) my babar gives me a hard massage on my head(scalp) if his fingers are actively bleeding will the his blood penetrate my scalp ?  Even if HIV blood is contagious 

Q2) my head is filled with hair like a bear . My concern is  can pure HIV blood go through the hair holes on my head where the hair grows from ?   (I would like full explanation on this as to why this isn't plausible and cannot happen this is my biggest fear and the whole question is based on this question ) 

The words I'm looking is that head scalp skin cannot be penetrated with HIV blood nor it can go through my hair holes on the scalp 

Q3) if he scratches my face(cheek ,forehead) and scalp and his  hand is actively bleeding  will my skin protect me ?  ( what sort of cut from hand to face and head is risk ) and has HIV transmitted this way ? 

Beauty products (part2) 

Q4))My barber uses creams polish on my face and massage oil on my head can hiv survive in such products If HIV blood were to present in them ,   If not why ? 
Can these products such cream and oil penetrate my skin and scalp ? 

Mr  hunter I am struggling to have massage because of fear of blood going through my face skin and scalp skin.  I know you can help and would like a follow up once you answer so that I may understand  fully with your Guidance and then have my fantasy massage at barber on a lighter note . 


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Edward W. Hook M.D.
89 months ago
Welcome to the Forum.  As you probably know clients on this site are not permitted to request who responds to their questions.  All questions regarding herpes go to Ms. Warren and Dr. Handsfield and I split all other questions.  As it happened, today I happened to pick up your question.  As an FYI, having worked closely for more than 35 years, Dr. Handsfield and I never disagree on the content of our replies although our verbal styles vary.  I will be addressing these questions.  This particular question is quite similar to a question I answered recently.   In fact you use some of the same words making me wonder if you are the same person.  irrespective, while I will briefly answer your questions, I will refer you to read question 1838 as well for the answer to your questions.

We receive many questions about the safety of activities which take place in barbershops and salons including hair cutting, shaving, manicures, head massage, and nicks and scrapes which may occur in these settings.  the answer to the questions is really quite simple- HIV is not transmitted in these settings.  After more than 35 years since AIDS was first described we have learned that HIV is NOT transmitted in these settings and is transmitted only through PENETRATIVE sexual contact between and infected person and an uninfected person or INJECTION of infected material DEEP into TISSUE with a HOLLOW needle.  It is not transmitted by cuts, scrapes, on contaminated instruments with solid blades and surfaces.  With this answer I will now, briefly address your specific questions.

1.  This is an unrealistic question.  Even so, HIV would not be transmitted through a hard massage of your head given by someone who had HIV and bleeding fingers.

2.  See above.  HIV would not penetrate the hair follicles that hairs come out of.  The skin within the hair follicles is solid and cannot be penetrated.

3.  Cuts and scratches made by an infected person would not transmit HIV.

4.  This question is answered in question 1838.  HIV would not survive in liquids.

Your questions indicate a lack of understanding about how HIV is transmitted.  Please read my answers above and my reply to question 1838.  EWH  .

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89 months ago
Your answer 2 has given me a lot of sense now 
Splendid reply on that doctor  

  The skin within the hair follicles is solid and cannot be penetrated

This part above which you wrote has just saved me from a lot of worry ! 

2) one more thought doctor contaiminated hair brush is also not an issue at all ,One can share hair brush even if contaiminated 

3) well then doctor do you think I can massage away with out any fear ever ? My face skin and head skin is excellent protection ? 

4)Just to add doctor once massaging my face(cheeks ) if I ever get scratched or maybe get a cut form barbers hand I should never worry ? 

I should always stay calm and consider it a causal contact like a handshake ?  If  it's not a needle it just doesn't count basically (this is will also be very valuable to me if you explain)

5)Doctor one more thing when one plays sports such as football and many people collide and get bruises they never get HIV why is that ? 

Simply because the skin protects you ? And blood just doesn't transfer that way ? (This answer would be very valuable to me )

I cannot find1838 I'll have a look but your help here is a lot better 

All I can see is active ,close or open options no numbers  however your words are very assuring so far 

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
89 months ago
The answers to this question should be obvious from my earlier reply.  Briefly:
2. Correct, no risk from sharing a hair brush
3. No risk from massages you describe.
4. Same answer and number 3.  A scratch would also be no risk.  See earlier answer about needles vs. surface scratches.
5. No risk from sports.  Common sense tells you, based on my earlier reply that obviously, this is neither sex nor injection.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
89 months ago
1838 is closed.  The title of the question begins "HIV blood survive in hair oil .."
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89 months ago
Dear doctor I know you may be busy with traffic of questions be thrown at you hence the brief reply 

I was able to find  the question read it repeatedly was helpful no doubt 

But my concern is just a little different and needs a little fine tuning . I wish you would add more so I will keep my question limited to this only so that you may explain just a little than brief reply . 

"It is written in 1838 HIV  cannot survive in liquid because of air exposure "  my question is  a bit different 

1.  If HIV blood is injected into liquids directly will the liquid such as oil , or cream be still exposed to air ? And kill everything ?  What I'm saying is HIV air can penetrate into liquids , like if bottle is filled with liquids ? Air can travel inside  the bottom of  bottle and penetrate through  the liquid all the way down to bottom of the bottle  if cover is open ?  . That's what I wanted to know when you say air exposure 

2) what other factors in liquids would kill HIV if blood were to be present in the bottom of liquids 

What prevents HIV to live in cream or liquids besides air exposure ? 

What are the other examples that you can give .    

For e.g you can say it's not in human body and once outsid human body it's game over and HIV cannot live on any liquid or cream that would be some value to me 

This is the only fear that remains and the only question . I am out of replies now so may you please clarify this when you have less traffic of questions and type with peace of mind and explain to me because I do not wish to be stuck in this fear .  I do not wish to bother you again so can you please give examples besides air exposure . 

I am realising slowly but surely that it can't live in liquids but I just don't why it can't live in liquids beside air exposure and that's what I'm looking for you to tell me 

I trust this forum and you mr hook 

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
89 months ago
Your follow-up question is, once again, repetitive and argumentative.  HIV does not remain infectious after exposure to the air and in liquids.  In the air it is exposed to temperatures, drying and a variety of other environmental factors which cause it to not continue to be infectious to others.  In liquids often components of the liquids themselves are directly toxic to the virus through their chemical actions on the virus.  In addition, the low osmolality if liquids is disruptive to the virus making it none infectious as well.

This now completes this thread which will be closed shortly.  Further repetitive questions will not be answered and your fee for asking the questions will not be returned.  EWH 