[Question #1917] Herpes and Menstruation

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89 months ago
Hi, I have genital herpes and I am on suppressive therapy.   My partner does not have herpes.  We were planning on engaging in intercourse this weekend.  I am currently having a menstrual cycle but expect it to be complete by the weekend. However, if there is minor residual bleeding should this preclude intercourse?  He would of course be using a condom.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
89 months ago
There is no increased risk of transmission if there is menstrual blood around than if it is not around. 
So a couple of questions for you:  has your partner been tested to determine that they are indeed not infected?  If not, that would be a good idea..  No point in going to a lot of trouble and worry if he is already infected.  Eighty% of those infection with HSV 2 don't know it.  Just throwing it out there!  Sounds like you are doing  good job of learning about your infection and managing it well with sex partners.
