[Question #1926] Doctor hook pls

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94 months ago
Doctor  i posted before but forgot password 1922 was my question ...

I am writing you from Melbourne as i need answers to questions regarding the following exposure:-
Exposure 1:- Met a tranny (Recieved oral and licked shaft for 10 second)I am not sure if there was any precum on the shaft i didnt tasted anything at all .. The tranny says she is clean:-
TESTS 18 DAYS Melbourne Pathology antigen / antibody
24 days (Dorevitch Patholody antibody / antigen Combo Serum )
31 (Dorevitch Patholody antibody / antigen Combo Serum ) 
37 (Dorevitch Patholody antibody / antigen Combo Serum )
42 (Dorevitch Patholody antibody / antigen Combo Serum )
44 (Melbourne Pathology)
55 days (Dorevitch Patholody antibody / antigen Combo Serum )

Exposure 2 :- Recieved oral sex for 10 seconds THATS IT.
14 days (Dorevitch Patholody antibody / antigen Combo Serum )  (Gonerea Chlymedia also negative))
16 days Melbourne Pathology Antigen / Antibody) (Syphilus also negative)
27 DAYS (Dorevitch Patholody antibody / antigen Combo Serum )

I can see that doctor has advised that i am okay with exposure 1 but the answers for second exposure where doctor has said its not a zero risk. I thought there was never been a case proved to be from recieving oral sex? My doctor at prahan market clinic he is an hiv expert he didnt ask me to test .. please confirm  my thoughts? Also, i have seen doctor hook say many times regardless of blood in mouth or whatever nobody has got hiv from recieving oral ?

am i clear of both exposures or need more testing for second?

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
94 months ago
Sorry, but multiple accounts and usernames are not permitted on the forum; and as I said yesterday in your other thread, users do not select which moderator answers their questions. In addition, you are asking exactly the same questions as last time, which also is not permitted. I will be happy to clarify anything you don't understand in follow-up comments in your other thread. This one will be deleted.
