[Question #1942] Unprotected oral sex at Mssg parlr calif US
93 months ago
Staying away from family 5 mo, went for massage after run on 15 Jan. ended up having unprotected oral and it is the first and last unsafe event. got stdcheck.com 10 test panel hep a,b,v, HIV 4th, sysphills, grano, chalmy, HSV 1/2 all negative. test was done on 27 feb (6 weeks). Joining back family on 14th apr, feeling ashamed and fearful. Planning family. Do i need to run test again, what all is conclusive, if required which test i should run again. do i need to delay family planning ? what is the way out to move on if i am lucky enough to get a chance in life again.
93 months ago
I am Male 32, Partner was Female may be 40s (i asked about STD status, say she gets tested but has no report. laughed at me saying report is in china). some joint pain and dryness of scrotum is there. Join pain is there from some time i guess, scrotum dryness flakes disappeared to great extent after applying anti fungal. some pimples on nose coming and going, no other major symptoms.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
93 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I'll be happy to comment. The exposure you describe was very low risk and now, with tests obtained 6 weeks after your exposure, you can be quite confident that you did not get any STI, including HIV from the exposure you describe. To be analytical about this, even before you tested there was little risk for infection. Most people, even most commercial sex workers do not have STI, particularly oral STIs and most exposures to infected partners do not lead to infection. Thus, even before you tested, the likelihood that you acquired an STI was quite low. Then you were tested. The negative test results are definitive for HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. If you had acquired HSV you would have had symptoms by now and your negative tests confirm that you were not infected. The hepatitis tests are strong evidence against infection and there is no scientific data to suggest that hepatitis of any sort is transmitted by oral sex.
As for your symptoms, the symptoms you suggest do not suggest STI of any sort. My advice is to be completely confident that you did not acquire an STI of any sort form the exposure you have described and move forward with confidence that you were not infected. No further testing is required. Enjoy your reunion with your family. EWH
93 months ago
Thanks Hook, you people are doing great service. I have read almost all replies on medhelp and ready so much of literature.
I am confident after your reply, just for my knowledge i would like you give a blog response to STI timeline for the US. This is contradictory i saw some people testing every week for 6 months and staying away from the family, i guess you can save some families by doing so. i am staying away from at least 2 forced months becuase of all the nonsense i did.
Can i assume following test to be conclusive(100%) at 6 weeks, this is just for curiosity
- syphilis
- HIV 4th Gen
- Hepatitus A
- Hepatitus B
- Hepatitus C
- gonorreha
- chlamydia
- HSV 1
- HSV 2
I want people to read this and get tested on right time and move on in life.
I guess precious medical resources like should be spared for more serious issues in STI world.
93 months ago
*doctor hook, please accept my apologies for saying hook instead of Doctor hook. I have this multitasking life like many others and i miss words in between.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
93 months ago
Having read our replies to others, I suspect you already know these answers. I will not be able to write a prolonged response to your question on test performance. Please remember that the likelihood of infection is influenced by both the type of exposure, the time since exposure, and the infection under consideration. Few STIs are acquired as the result of receipt of oral sex. In your case, no one has ever been proven to acquire HIV from receipt of oral sex so there was no reason to test in the first place. Similarly hepatitis, although less well studied is not acquired from receipt of oral sex. Gonorrhea and ,very rarely, chlamydia may be acquired from oral sex and testing for these organisms is definitive at 3-5 days after exposure. Finally, unless there are lesions are present at which time PCR testing can be done, we do not recommend blood tests for HSV in situations such as yours. In your specific case (each case is different) your combination of negative tests and absence of an outbreak combine to indicate that you did not get HSV from the exposure you report as well. EWH
93 months ago
Thanks dr hook, I appreciate your response ... can you clarify on test for syphllis and you can close the thread afterwards.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
93 months ago
Although the CDC states that syphilis blood tests may take up to 90 days to become positive, this is a major overstatement which is based on old data. Syphilis lesions appear within 3 weeks of exposure and blood tests become positive within a day of two after the lesions appear. A negative syphilis blood test at 4 weeks is strong evidence that the person does not have syphilis and at six weeks unless there was something quite unusual, I would consider blood test results definitive.
As you point out, this is now my third response to your questions. This thread will be closed in a few hours EWH
93 months ago
Thanks doctor , I will ask you keep thread open for another week. I do not anticipate anything but buttock pain and joint pain gives me concern
Edward W. Hook M.D.
93 months ago
I'm sorry, this is the third reply to your questions. As describe in our Guidelines, threads are closed after three replies. if you have further questions I'm afraid you will need to start a new question series. As I've already mentioned, given the passage of six weeks since your exposure and the fact that your tests have been negative, I am confident that you did not get an STI from the encounter you described. Take care. EWH