[Question #1943] Hiv blood once leaving the body becomes non-infectious immediately.

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93 months ago
i wanted to ask a question for my knowledge and everybody else's on this forum 
and i had a lot of exposures with fresh blood on my  glans mucous membrane.
hello DR . Hook.
i see a a  lot of your  medhelp answer  before.
Edward Hook, MD  you say Hiv blood once it is outside of the body it becomes non-infectious and does not pose a risk for infection. 
so any people   glans mucous membranes touch just  immediately after leaving the body   is no risk.
1. glans mucous membranes touch very fresh blood has a risk????
2.hiv blood   after leaving the body  becomes non-infectious immediately??????
3. HIV blood can pass through intact  glans mucous membranes.(no  sexually)
4. hiv blood  leaving the body   only 5 seconds becomes non-infectious immediately??????

i have so  anxiety. so worry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can not sleep
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
93 months ago
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question. Dr. Hook and I answer questions without regard to requests for either of us. We have been close colleagues for more than 3 decades and our opinions and advice are always the same.

I doubt Dr. Hook ever said HIV dies immediately in blood once it is out of someone's body. It does not. But that does not mean there is significant risk of infection from the kinds of exposures you ask about.

1,3) Even intercourse with an HIV infected woman who is menstruating carries roughly one chance in 1,000 that the male partner will be infected. Therefore, we can assume that the glans simply touching fresh blood carries little or no risk for being infected.

2,4) No, it is not immediate. However, once blood has dried, HIV is inactive.

Your opening comment about a lot of exposures:  It is pointless to worry about the risk when the answer is so easily available:  get tested for HIV. After you do, please return and let me know the result. Probably it will be negative.

I hope this has helped. I look forward to hearing your HIV test result.


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93 months ago

Thank your reply.

DR Hunter Handsfield You can trust me.because I have seen DR hook react to someone question as answer at here.

You can see at [Question #1838].

[Question #1838] hiv blood survive in hair oil ,mouth wash tooth bursh

This Question is DR Hook answer.and post in that post.

DR hook answer:Touching, kissing, contact with sweat or secretions (including blood) which are outside the body will not lead to infection as the HIV virus is quite fragile and becomes non-infectious virtually immediately after leaving the body

maybe you can discuss with Dr Hook.

1.Whatever if my glans mucous membranes touch fresh wet hiv blood in any environment was no risk?

2.I also notice Dr. Hunter Handsfield you always say no one catch hiv by glans mucous membrane contact wih hiv blood in environment and if I be first will first sample in the world.

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
93 months ago
Thanks for clarifying Dr. Hook's comment. In the context of that question, i.e. with the very small amounts of blood or other secretions involved from touching someone's skin, the blood or secretions would dry almost immediately. (If you rub your own skin when sweating, you'll have moisture on your fingers -- but it will be entirely dry in a few seconds.) In that circumstance, HIV would also die immediately. It would survive longer if there were large amounts of blood, e.g. if a parnter were actively bleeding from a wound. 

1) This is a peculiar question. How in heaven's name is your glans going to come into contact with wet HIV blood in the environmnent? Do you walk around naked among bleeding people? But even so, there would be little or no risk. As I said, even if your penis had continuous contact with infected blood for several minutes -- i.e. sex with a mentruating woman with HIV -- there would be only 1 chance in a thousand you would catch HIV. So for several reasons, this is a silly thing to be worried about and makes no sense at all. (And by the way, the glans penis and inside of the foreskin are not mucous membranes. They are cornified epithelium like skin elsewhere on the body -- thin skin, but still intact skin.)

2) That probably is true. It isn't going to happen.

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93 months ago
Dr thank a lot and may i  confirm some knowledge.  nice to me beacause i think is important.

1. i understand  Dr you say this sample  「Even intercourse with an HIV infected woman who is menstruating carries roughly one chance in 1,000 that the male partner will be infected 」is mean sex carry more risk beacuse  in this case have sex and then glan may be little hurt in sex intercourse  so hiv blood will be infected hurt glans?  so have little risk

2. i have seen previous question Dr you say  glans touch fresh blood on toilet  is no risk because glans no wound and no hurt.

3.so i understand  1 and 2 is different because 1 situation was sex and sex carry some wound in glan so hiv blood can infected.and 2 situation  is no wound and hurt in glans is no risk.

4. i got new knowledge so nice  (And by the way, the glans penis and foreskin are not mucous membranes. They are cornified epithelium like skin elsewhere on the body -- thin skin, but still intact skin.)  so glans penis and foreskin are not mucous membranes  and  glans penis and foreskin also was skin.
so outside foreskin  and inside  foreskin also was  skin.?

thank Dr .  i really  grateful to you.

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
93 months ago
I don't fully understand these comments. I think there may be a language/translation problem. But I believe you are confirming that you correctly understand what I have said above. You will never catch HIV through your penis except by sex. You will never catch it because of contact of your penis with blood in toilets or anywhere else. This does not happen.

Thank you for the thanks. I'm glad to have helped.

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93 months ago
DR  you say   You will never catch it  because of contact of your penis with blood in toilets or anywhere else. This does not happen.
it mean hiv ?
 You will never catch hiv  because of contact of your penis with blood in toilets or anywhere else. This does not happen.
i understand is corrcet?

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93 months ago
DR  you say   You will never catch it  because of contact of your penis with blood in toilets or anywhere else. This does not happen.
it mean hiv ?
 You will never catch hiv  because of contact of your penis glans with blood in toilets or anywhere else. This does not happen.
i understand is corrcet?
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
93 months ago
Yes, you correctly understand my previous comments and advice.

That completes the two follow-up comments and replies included with each question. Tthis thread will now be closed. 

Please note that the forum does not permit repeated questions on the same topic or exposure, especially when the questions are obviously driven by anxiety or when there is apparently difficulty in believing or accepting advice already given. This will have to be your last one; future questions on this topic will be deleted without reply and without refund of the posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not criticism, and is designed to reduce the temptation to keep paying for questions with obvious answers; because experience shows that continued answers tend to prolong users’ anxieties, when professional counseling often would be a better approach; and because repeat or anxiety driven questions have little educational value for other users, one of the forum’s main purposes. Thank you for your understanding.
