[Question #195] about HIV

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111 months ago
hi doctor 

i have a relationship with a girl and it was my first time and i do it with condom and and i do oral sex without condom i'm don't now what should i do plz help me and after 33 days i do the H1&H2 antibody 
and the result is negative 

my question is 33 days is Enough or i must do the test again ?? 

and after 44 days i do  Rapid HIV Test 15-Minute Result and the result is negative

so is my tests are Enough or i must to do it again ??

and i read and someone tell me that i must do the test after 3 month is that true or one month is ok for antibody to appear ??

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
111 months ago
Welcome to the forum. Thanks for your question.

The chance you caught HIV is extremely low. It is unlikely your partner had HIV, and you used a condom for vaginal sex, and oral sex is safe sex, with little or no risk for HIV. 

You don't say exactly what test was done at 33 days. If it was a 4th generation (also called "duo" or "combo" test), i.e. for both HIV antibody and p24 antigen, then the results was conclusive. Such tests are final any time 4 weeks or more after exposure. The antibody-only tests ("third generation") usually are conclusive at 6-8 weeks, and your result is around 95-99% reliable, still very reassuring. The rapid oral fluids test is not conclusive until 3 months, so that result at 44 days doesn't help very much, although the negative result still is reassuring.

It used to be advised that the antibody-only tests were not conclusive until 3 months. However, that's no longer the case, for the modern (third generation) tests, only for older tests not used very much any more.

Bottom line:  If your 33 day test was 4th generation, you don't need further testing. But whether or not you have another test, don't be worried. You had a nearly zero risk exposure, and even if your tests so far aren't 100% conclusive, they are very close. There is almost no chance you have HIV.

I hope this has helped. Best wishes--  HHH, MD

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111 months ago
hi doctor 

thanks for your answer 

i don't what exactly the kind of my test but i remember it was writing H1&H2 antibody

and the second  it was by blood not oral fluids  the Rapid  test its by blood not by oral fluids

i can coll the doctor and check from him about the first test 
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
111 months ago
The first probably was an antibody-only test, i.e. not 4th generation. As noted above, over 95% reliable. The rapid blood tests (unlike oral fluids) perform just a well as regular laboratory blood tests; that result at 6 weeks may have been 100% reliable, or very close.

Between the low risk of the exposure itself plus your test result, you can be certain you weren't infected. But if you remain nervous about it, have a duo test now; or another antibody test (either rapid or lab based) at 3 months.