[Question #1970] hiv doubts

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93 months ago
hello doctor hook I have some questions im a male I recived unprotected oral sex from 12 diferent partners would that increase my chances of contracting hiv or it doesnt matter because reciving oral sex is not a way of transmision ? 2- have you had a patient on my situation before with so many sexual partners reciving oral sex I hate this disease you cant even tell if you have it, I´ve never been so healthy in my life and still I migth be infected, Im building up the courage to the get tested this week its been 7 months of last exposure will there ever be a cure for hiv or there is to much money at stake, to give people the cure im really scared
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
93 months ago
Questions are answered without regard to requests for one or the other moderator. Dr. Hook and I have been close colleagues for 30+ years and our answers always are the same, even if our styles are somewhat different. ANd these are exactly the same questions you had before. The answers have not changed. And trust me on this:  Dr. Hook's answers would be exactly the same as mine.

1) Even after ofal sex with 100 or a thousand differerent partners, you would not be at risk of HIV. As you say yourself, "receiving oral sex is not a way of transmission."

2) No, neither I nor Dr. Hook has ever seen someone with your sexual history who had HIV.

3) I already gave you my advice about HIV testing, regardless of your nervousness about it. Dr. Hook would say the same. Just do it.

4) At least your last question is a new one:  HIV is now treatable, and the treatment is so good that most people with HIV can expect to live a normal life and normal lifespan. It's not always easy, requiring careful ongoing medical care. But it is not possible to say for sure whether there might be a true cure someday, i.e. treatment that eliminates HIV from the body so that continued treatment is not necessary. Some experts believe it will happen someday. But probably not for at least 10 years or more. Your comment about "too much money at stake" is nonsense. The money and fame to the person or company who comes up with a cure for HIV will be far more than they currently earn by diagnosing and treating infected people. A Nobel Prize awaits!

As I advised last time, you should have an HIV test. Please DO NOT POST ANYTHING ELSE ON THIS THREAD UNTIL AND UNLESS YOU HAVE AN HIV TEST AND REPORT THE RESULT. There is nothing else you can add that would change my opinions or advice, so I will not answer any other comment or question about it.


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92 months ago
Hello doctors ,one last question before the test and its about Early symptoms of hiv, I know that you all have clinics were you treat everyday patients, My doubt comes from the theory that you read in the internet about early signs of hiv, that the most comoon signs are sore throat, fever,body rash,severe headeches, swollen lymp nodes, ulcers in mouth and nigth sweats The period  "if infected" that the symptoms show up is 2 to 4 weeks after infection, but I want to ask you how does this apply in your real life patients (the ones that turn out hiv +) Do they really only show this symptoms between the second and fourth week, or have you have patients that after 5 months come up with the symptoms, do the symptms come all together at once, or can someone have one week nigth sweats the next week mouth ulcers and so on. I mean would you please elaborate on your real life patientes that you recive in your clinics when they go to see you, wich of this symptoms do the usually have, wich one would you say is the most coomon one,what percentage of the patients with this symptoms you have treated, ended up beeing positive and how many negative and finally what percentage of people with hiv never show any single symptom. I cant thank you enough my next post would be my results even if I have to buy another question, my risk was reciving from 12 diferent woman unprotected blow jobs over the last 3 years, bye and once again thak you for all that you do.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
92 months ago
These details about symptoms are irrelevant. Symptoms can NEVER accurate tell whether or not someone caught HIV. Many people are without symptoms entirely. When symptoms do occur, they start 1-2 weeks after exposure and last another 2-3 weeks. They all occur together. The most common are sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, fever, and skin rash. Dr. Hook's and my personal experiences don't matter -- but we do not recall ever seeing patients with new HIV who did not fit this pattern.

Regardless of what symptoms someone has, the blood test rules. You cannot judge whether or not you caught HIV by having (or not having) these symptoms.

This is your last chance:  post a blood test result within 2 weeks. At that time, this thread will be closed. You will not be able to post another one:  the forum does not permit repeated questions on the same topic or exposure. Any future new questions about these exposures or about your HIV, fears, symptoms and testing will be deleted without reply and without refund of the posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not criticism, and is designed to reduce temptations to keep paying for questions with obvious answers; because experience shows that continued answers tend to prolong users' anxieties; and because such questions have little educational value for other users, one of the forum's main purposes. I trust you will understand.

But I look forward to hearing about your HIV test result. Assuming your exposure history is accurate, it will be negative.
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92 months ago
Hello Doctor HHH I went down to the HIV clinic here in mexico and they perform a rapid blood test (prick my finger) the name of the test is "neogen hiv 1&2 from Medlab" wich is a good lab here. It was negative so then I decided to buy from the lab 2 more of the same test that I had on the clinic and also were negative, I decided I wanted to have 2 more rapid blood test but from a diferent brand this were "andvance quality inmunotest hiv 1&2" from a lab called INTEC and this 2 were also negative, so now I have 5 rapid blood test (one perform at the clinic and 4 by me) all 5 test show a really red line on "C" wich mean negative and also that the test was done correctly and all 5, FOUR MONTHS after my last exposure. Here is the 1 million dollar question doctor HH. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES WHEN I TAKE THE ELISA MY RESULT WILL CHANGE ? Do you trust this rapid blood test ? and your patients that perform this test did they remain negative ?
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
92 months ago
The answer to your "million dollar question" is...   ta-daaa, drum roll, crescendo of trumpets.....     ZERO!  There is NO chance a lab based ELISA will now be positive. The rapid blood tests are usually conclusive by 6 weeks and always by 3 months. I do trust them, always. You really don't need the ELISA.

That completes this thread. Do your best to stop worrying and move on. I hope the discussion has been helpful.
