[Question #1979] Burning After Bare Penis Rubbing on Panty and protected fellatio

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89 months ago
Hi Dr.Hook

I aske you previous question and you assured me for sure which is great and I appreciate that. You are awesome. This is the question I asked you before for the reference of the history.

Question #1966] HIV transmission through rubbing bare penis to vagina with panty on!

Today I feel little bit burning while micturation. No urethral discharge, no fever. I am not sure even its a true burning. Probably sometimes you are anxious you feel the same whatever is in your mind. My question is what is the time line to get a gonococcal urethritis or any STD or simple UTI 3 days after the expoaure I described in previous question? Do you feel that I need to check with ID doctor? There is soke meatal swelling but its not new. I am scared to death of HIV. What is the time frame to get other STD signs I mean ulcer, rash etc after the activity I described in previous question. I am super anxious why I went for a massage and create this anxiety without any reason. Your reply will be much appreciated. Thanks.

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
89 months ago
Dr. Hook and I take questions without regard to specific requests or prior replies. I'll be answering your question this time.

I reviewed your disucssion with Dr. Hook. I agree with all he said, including that you could nto have caught any STD from the exposure described. This sort of sensation -- slight burning, "hot" urine, etc -- is typical for genitally focused anxiety. And your own comment indicates you are aware of this ("zometimes you are anxious you feel the same whatever is in your mind"); and whenever someone suspects his or her own symptoms have a psychological origin, usually s/he is right. Of course you are free to be tested for common STDs such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, but like Dr. Hook, I do not recommend it. But if you do it, you can have a urine test for these STDs at any time; that test is valid any time more than 3 days after exposure.

As for being "scared to death" of HIV, that also is unwarranted, for the reasons explained by Dr. Hook. If you cannot shake your anxiety, I would suggest professional counseling. It really isn't normal to continue to be so fearful after the reasoned, science based reassurance you have had. However, if you would like still further reassurance, see a doctor in person and follow his or her advice.

Best wishes--  HHH, MD

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89 months ago
Dr.HHH thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate it. I am concerned because I am not circumcised and I did not take a shower after the activity that I described in previous question (Rubbing bare  penis with panty (probably wet) but no penetration) . I was wondering if that escort had HIV in case and they stick to the foreskin while rubbing through her wet panty, since I didn't take the shower it will germinate there and pass through urethra to create an infection. Is there any tiny possibility even? I sorry being difficult but I want to clear all my doubts. Thank you so much again.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
89 months ago
As I said, there has never been a proved case of oral to penis HIV transmission. After billions of oral sex events, of which obviously millions or billions were on uncircumcised men. You are seriously overthinking this. Stop focusing on the possible biology ("it will germinate there and pass through...."). That's simply nonsense.

You came here for expert, science based advice. You have had it, but you are arguing at every step. If you want to ignore our advice and get tested anyway, that's up to you. But this is not a debate and I'm not going to discuss it further.

Please note the forum does not permit repeated questions on the same topic or exposure. This will have to be your last one; future new questions about this exposure, testing, and your fears about HIV or other STDs will be deleted without reply and without refund of the posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not criticism, and is designed to reduce temptations to keep paying for questions with obvious answers. In addition, experience shows that continued answers tend to prolong users' anxieties rather than reducing them. Finally, such questions have little educational value for other users, one of the forum's main purposes. I trust you will understand.

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89 months ago
Dr.HHH thank you for your reply. I think you misunderstood my question. I am not worried about protected oral sex at all since Dr.Hook assured me. My concern is rubbing bare penis with wet panty without penetration and I didn't take shower after that. My question is is there any chance to contract HIV from viaginal cum soaked in the Panty which was rubbed against bare uncircumcised penis and took shower next day. This will be my last question promise. If you can assure me on this I would leave behind this and live a normal life. Please Please Please. I really appreciate your reply. Thanks.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
89 months ago
Yes, I was aware of that exposure as well. Sorry I didn't mention it in my last comment. There has never been a known case of HIV transmission by genital contact without penetration, regardless of circumcision status. On top of which, there is little chance your partner had HIV anyway. So this information does not change my opinion or advice.

That completes the two follow-up comments and replies included with each question, and so ends this thread (which as discussed above, must be your last about this exposure and your concerns about it).

Really, mellow out. This really was a no risk event. Don't confuse your apparent guilt or shame over a sexual decision you regret with infection risk from that event. They aren't the same. Deal with the emotional aspects as you need to, but you can disregard the latter.

Best wishes.
