[Question #2013] Hsv2 and 1

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88 months ago
Dear Expert,

Since i've been diagnosed with hsv1-genital like two years ago, i can't get a grip on it. I've never had another outbreak than the initial one, but still i'm terrified everyday. The thing is i now start to relax a little and believe that maybe it won't come back anymore, but suddenly i'm terrified to catch hsv2. 

Yesterday i bought a new electric trimmer/razor. The box wasn't totally closed. At first i didn't botter but later i freaked out. What if someone used it before (and maybe had hsv2)  me and returned it to the store and after that i used it. I did dip the blades for some seconds in boiled water, don't know if that makes a difference? Are there any cases known in your experience that someone catched herpes from objects like trimmers/razors anyway?

I also don't want to use towels in a hotel etc, because i'm afraid someone with hsv2 used it. And suddenly i'm afraid that maybe my boyfriend has hsv2 so i try to avoid sex now. I want him to be tested but he thinks i'm overreacting. Am i?

Then another question related to my hsv1. Last week we did have 'sex'. My boyfriend was fingering me and after that he touched himself (penis). Is there a risk he catched hsv1 genital now to?

Thanks in advance. 

Kind regards. Roos

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
88 months ago
Bless your heart, your life seems to have been taken over a bit by worries about herpes.  Perhaps I can help.
If you've not had a recurrences of your genital HSV 1 in  year, there is an 88% chance you won't have another.  HSV 1 is infrequently shed from the genital tract.
No, there are no documented cases of people getting HSV from an inanimate object, so the razor is a total non-transmitter.
Hotel towels are always washed and often bleached before being put on the rack - you do NOT need to worry about getting herpes from these towels.
I think you are probably over worrying about your partner but it seems a simple thing for him to get tested - he can order it himself online and you should probably offer to pay for it so you can stop worrying.  If he is also positive for HSV 1, then you have no worries about transmitting to him - or did you get it from him?
The fingering incident does not present a risk for herpes transmission

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88 months ago
Thanks for the quick reply Terri!

And yes I need to relax a little bit, I think. Hopefully one day I will.. because for now it's taking over my life a little bit too much. 

1. So even if someone did used it before me (in the genital area) and had hsv2,and i used it after in the genital area.. there is no risk of transmission in this case/way ?

No i didn't get the hsv1 from my boyfriend. Maybe buy him the test is a good idea indeed. But I think if he had hsv2, he would have noticed right?

2. A lot of times I put some vaseline on my vagina area becaus the skin hurts, sometimes (I think) i forgot to wash my hands after. What if, in such a situation, i probably touch my own mouth, or my baby's mouth (by giving him food or something. Is there any risk of transmission then?

3. Is it possible for my boyfriend to give me oral sex ? What about the risk of transmission here?

Thanks so much For taking the time to reply!!! 


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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
88 months ago
  1.  A razor purchased from a store in a box is not going to transmit HSV 2 to you.  Even if someone else used it, which seems really unlikely, the virus would die on the razor very quickly - and what is the likelihood that a person would buy the razor, take it home, shave their genital area while having a shedding episode or outbreak, returns it to the store, then you buy it and shave?  No way the virus would live that long
  2. No
  3. Has you boyfriend ever had a cold sore on his lip or tested positive for HSV 1?  If yes, there is no risk of transmission.  If not, there is a tiny risk of transmission


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88 months ago

Final questions.
1. Is it possible to get herpes on my fingers/hands? (Because of touching the genital area a lot).
2. What if i sit on my bed/sheets naked, after showering for example and some hours later the baby is playing on the bed? Is there any risk for hsv?

Thanks again so much for your time. Hope i will find some rest in  all the herpes worries! 

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
88 months ago
1.  It would be extremely unusual to get herpes in a new location on your body after you have an established infection - so no
2.  Not a worry either.
