[Question #2033] Girlfriends recent diagnosis

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93 months ago
My girlfriend recently went to a local medexpress for genital irritation and burning .
they ran a test but i don't know what test is was, they told her within an hour that she had herpes, she informed me of this after her appointment
and will not have any contact with me. i am very upset over this as is she, she said she hasn't been with anyone else so the doctor has her convinced its me,
i had unprotected sex with one partner 1 year ago that wasn't sexually active for a couple years and told me she was clean. i  have had no symptoms which i know doesn't matter but i have had sex with the same partner now for 1 year which would be in the neighborhood of 50 to 60 times since then. my question is how long after sex with someone a year ago would my current partner show symptoms of genital herpes.
Thank You

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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
93 months ago
I cannot imagine what test was done in an hour that told her you specifically infected her.  That is just ridiculous.  There are a few possibilities here:
1) they did a Tzanck prep which looks like characteristic multinucleated giant cells - they are herpes virus indicators, though are not specific for HSV 1 or 2.
2) they could have done a blood test called Biokit.  This looks for antibody to HSV 2.  If this is positive, it means she has HSV 2 but she doesn't have new HSV 2 or she would not yet antibody.  And if she has ever had another partner in her lifetime, she could have gotten this from them.  You mention she hasn't been with anyone else - is that ever or is that recently? 
3) she could have HSV 1 genitally from you if you have HSV 1 orally (cold sores or infected but no symptoms) and are the giver of oral sex to her. 

If I was in your situation, I would call the local medexpress and say you wonder if you might have herpes and you have skin symptoms - what tests do they do to try to sort that?  If you do that, they should be able to tell you and then you can post it for me and I'll help you sort it out.

If you did acquire HSV from another partner, it could show up in this partner in a few days or a year later- just no exact answer there.

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93 months ago
Thank You for getting back to me, I did call the medexspress she went to and asked them that, they said they do the swab test there and send it to a lab, i asked them if they can do any test to get results while i wait and they said no, im not sure whats going on there. My girlfriend is finally contacting me and said she went to her gyno and she confirmed it while she was there but sent the test to a lab, so i guess we wait.
She is 48 and i am 52 she was married and had i child she has had a few partners.
I hope your 3rd point is correct because it makes the most sense, it didn't occur to me until i read your response, i on rare occasion get a cold sore not on my lip but directly under my nose, it starts out itchy and then turns to a sore but scabs over pretty quickly,  my ex wife was prone to cold sores on her lip. im assuming when you say new hsv2 you mean it would have been a recent exposure like a couple weeks, does that mean i would have had to be exposed recently as well.
so if one of us was exposed 10,15,20 years ago it could just show up now? im just confused.
Thank You
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
93 months ago
Try to remove the word "exposed" from your herpes vocabulary and replace it with "infected" and yes, it is possible that one of you was infected years ago and it is just showing up now. 
So I'm also confused about what happened at medexpress in terms of one hour results.  I wonder what your partner was talking about? 
If she was seen by her GYN, that visit cannot determine if she has HSV 1 or HSV 2 as they both look the same on exam - I wonder if  they sent an antibody test or a swab test?  And have you been tested by IgG yet?
