[Question #2045] Dr hook

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88 months ago
Dr hook I am young person who is just lost I have taken some sort of counselling on my questions but whatever it is . That person is not dr hook I need to do whatever it takes just to speak to you once in my life . ! It's irrational but I know you can help . Is there also a possibly I can reach you directly by phone in you clinic even if paid . 

But I need to speak to you no matter what ! Once in my life ! 
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88 months ago
I want to speak to because how you explain things then I can talk mr hunter but that's not needed I need you here or even if I speak to you on phone even if paid I don't care but I need you 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
88 months ago
I am sorry, this is an on-line service.  On-line postings are confidential.  I will be happy to try to address your concerns if you wish to post tehem.  I am not able to provide telephone comments.  EWH
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88 months ago

Dear doctor I belong to poor country and have many issues when it comes to buying legitimate products which are easily available in western countries and are also monitored so that infections cannot be spread . I don't want any other doctor besides you because I don't know how to get in touch with you if needed again ? . As you say anxiety questions are not welcomed but you are the best in the business for me . How may I contact you again ? I hope if I ask something other replies won't be  brief but I need you because of forum rules but I'll try . I have issues with anything that is wet and HIV has to dry out to die . But one of doctor said no it does not have the cells which are found inside the body so forget about anything that is wet 

First I need help with my future blood draw I belong to area well medical places arnt respected but one I'll go to will be decent . But still I need help on HIV as safety  I do not fear the needle 

1) When I go to a clinic I'll ask the nurse to wear new gloves that would be fine she touches the vein before drawing blood can she contaminate the needle site before drawing blood can HIV survive on gloves ? Or HIV dies 

2) I do realise alcohol swab kills HIV but I assume it's some HIV fluid which is transparent since it packed and when it comes out it's wet in tissue type cotton whatever transparent liquid on the wet tissue material that is used to sterilise the arm before blood draw .  if it's some other  HIV fluids besides blood how would I know ? . Basically I have issues with anything that is  wet . I thought about letting go of the alcohol swab and just go for the blood draw .

Please assume the alcohol swab is just a wet tissue with some HIV secretions in it  and has no alcohol in it  . And it's packed air tight so even if it's wet inside the packet if I think it has some HIV bodily fluids which are transparent besides blood  they  would be dead because HIV needs the human body to survive ? My doctor said it  be dead inside because HIV needs cells to survive so even if wet forget about it and won't contaminate the needle site before my blood draw can you explain this ? Will my needle site get infected before my blood draw and contaiminate the needle once it penetrates my skin . And I worry even if I purchase the alcohol swab myself and assume it's not alcohol which basically kills HIV and it's some other fluid . So if I purchase it myself hiv would be dead in it even The tissue is wet inside the packet  ? 

3) I hesitate to use band aids they have sticky material . If by any chance it had any HIV fluid not blood other fluids which are transparent and not visible to the eye they would be dead once exposed to the air ? . As HIV cannot live on inanimate objects if well somebody rubbed HIV secretion the transfer itself on the band aid would kill HIV immediately ? 

I had sex once in my life and I don't know know how HIV vaginal fluids look like and just worry that about things that are wet I have some other questions as please don't say alchol will kill HIV I know that and assume it's some other fluid and how would I be safe and care free  before and after blood draw 

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88 months ago
The alcholo swab is a packet when you open it has wet tissue inside and that is the tissue which is wet is used to rub your arm and then the needle penetrates it .  So I am assuming the wet tissue inside the packet is some HIV fluid which is transparent and how can I assure that well if some one sick enough would do something like this he would fail and how would he fail thanks 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
88 months ago
Your question/comments are a bit hard to follow. I think you are being unnecessarily fearful.  the sorts of fears you express have NEVER been suggested as a risk for HIV.   As I read your questions, you seem quite fearful that you will acquire HIV through contact with wet tissues or materials contaminated with HIV (either blood or secretions).  I want to assure you that in general practice this is not a major concern.  You are correct that HIV dies quickly as it begins to dry.  A more subtle point however is that HIV dies very quickly as well in most liquids, including alcohol or pure water.  I would urge you not to worry that contact with fluid in a cleansing packet could expose you to HIV.  This is simply not a realistic possibility.  There has never been any indication that this is a risk for HIV.  Similarly, there has never been a suggestion or any concern about the possibility of someone acquiring HIV from the sticky material in a Band-Aid.

With regard to your specific questions:
1) When I go to a clinic I'll ask the nurse to wear new gloves that would be fine she touches the vein before drawing blood can she contaminate the needle site before drawing blood can HIV survive on gloves ? Or HIV dies
REPLY:  Nurses and health care providers wear gloves to protect themselves from patients, not the other way around.  As long as your nurse wears new gloves, there has never been a case of HIV acquired by contact with contaminated gloves.  There is no known risk for HIV from a gloved person touching your vein prior to blood drawing. 

2) I do realise alcohol swab kills HIV but I assume it's some HIV fluid which is transparent since it packed and when it comes out it's wet in tissue type cotton whatever transparent liquid on the wet tissue material that is used to sterilise the arm before blood draw .  if it's some other  HIV fluids besides blood how would I know ? . Basically I have issues with anything that is  wet . I thought about letting go of the alcohol swab and just go for the blood draw .
REPLY: See above- this is a no risk situation.

3) I hesitate to use band aids they have sticky material . If by any chance it had any HIV fluid not blood other fluids which are transparent and not visible to the eye they would be dead once exposed to the air ? . As HIV cannot live on inanimate objects if well somebody rubbed HIV secretion the transfer itself on the band aid would kill HIV immediately ?
REPLY: See above, this is a no risk situation. 

I hope my replies will be reassuring for you. As I said, I believe you are being overly worried.  There are no instances of HIV being acquired through the sorts of interactions and exposures with health care providers or the equipment that they use.  EWH
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88 months ago
Dear doctor well thank first saying it's no risk is it possible that you can give me reasons ? . I basically am from a village and well one of my family is HIV positive because of used injection . 

I travel to the city to get something for myself and family but in our village things well nothing is looked at . 

 can you give me reasons besides telling me to be brave and trust the materials 

1) the alcohol swab which I think is contaiminated even if sealed my doctor said no nutrients to feed the body secretions(notblood ) So even if wet it would be dead ? Because sometimes they make home made packets at home in our village . And inside the packet is a wet tissue or cotton or gauze type material which is rubbed on my arm . So even that is wet no worries ? HIV can't be active 

2) can you just tell me this if I open the item and rub the alchol swab on my arm and I think it's contaiminated . With HIV fluids (vaginal fluid )  and rub it on my arm and I just wait 5minues for it dry out and then go for blood draw  will I be safe then for peace of mind ? This important for m

This is a  new question but first you need to help with blood draw above just so that I can get that out of the way . thanks

HIV from eyes and nose 

3)I heard you say nobody gets HIV from eyes and nose is this true ? 

4) my family member and have joint family system was HIV positive by no means I am saying they would do anything   

My main worry is coming in contact with unknown fluids on my eyes and inside of  nose and how can I protect myself ?with items that are wet for e.g if I have some contaiminated secretions on my hair if it remains wet mixed with some other lubricant that means HIV will be alive all day if wet ? . It's not possible because you say HIV dies to air exposure and environment before drying once it has left the body  

5 I heard nobody has been infected from nose if I smelled anything , nose picking with some unknown fluid using a tissue or nasal Spray or just some unknown liquid goes into my nose   will I get HIV ?  Maybe somebody from cocaine use even that was poorly documented  or untrue ? .  I basically do not want to get HIV from eyes and inside the nose but I feel vulnerable so what do I do ? 

For e.g if there was some vaginal fluid or semen in a bottle it would be dead ? And I accidentally applied something on my eyes and  inside of nose . I mean it's impossible to know so will you tell me that HIV  fluids outside  applied on eyes and inside of nose would be no risk unless we'll I do something immediately and it can't be transferred from person to person with fluids in a bottle the process would kill it ? 

6You say HIV dies virtually immediately upon leaving the body and you say logically once it hits the air it cannot be transmitted i will find the question in this forum where you have said it

And doctor hunter says nobody gets HIV once it's outside the body and contact with HIV fluids has never given anyone HIV from eyes and nose   Except from needles

7)once HIV leaves the human body . I should not fear what liquids my nose and eyes come in contact with and one  question is about alcohol swab 

Just three main things doctor if you help with giving reasons besides saying I should trust products I will be fine thank you 

I thought about lying and creating fake scenario or exposure but I believe I would be committing a sin and well cheating you also so that's why I wanted to tell you the truth . And if you can give me reasons i will be over the moon please take time out when your free 

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Edward W. Hook M.D.
88 months ago
Your follow-up comments are a bit repetitive and suggest that you did not read (or believe) what I said above.  Once again, I repeat, "As I read your questions, you seem quite fearful that you will acquire HIV through contact with wet tissues or materials contaminated with HIV (either blood or secretions).  I want to assure you that in general practice this is not a major concern.  You are correct that HIV dies quickly as it begins to dry.  A more subtle point however is that HIV dies very quickly as well in most liquids, including alcohol or pure water.  I would urge you not to worry that contact with fluid in a cleansing packet could expose you to HIV.  This is simply not a realistic possibility.  There has never been any indication that this is a risk for HIV.  Similarly, there has never been a suggestion or any concern about the possibility of someone acquiring HIV from the sticky material in a Band-Aid."  The FACT is that HIC acquisition has NEVER been documented by ANY of the routes you are suggesting.  Thus the experience of millions and millions of people is the most important reason that your fears are not justified.   This statement has nothing to do with telling you to "be brave and trust the materials."

Thus, in answer to your questions:
1.  Correct, no worries.
2.  HIV would certainly be killed after the liquid, alcohol or otherwise, had dried.
3.  Correct
4.  Death is not always instantaneous when the virus lives the body but the virus is non-infectious and no one has ever been shown to become infected from contaminated hair lubricants or the sorts of fluids you describe.  Nor from touching or passive transfer of secretions on a person's hands to another person. 
5,  This is not a rational concern.  If you cannot stop worrying about this possibility, it is a mental health problem, not an infectious disease problem and I would recommend discussing your concerns with a trained counselor or mental health professional. 
6.  See 4 above.   
7.  Correct.


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88 months ago
Dr hook thanks for helping me you helped me a lot on my blood draw even though unrealistic 

To be honest I had a nice blood draw the moment I saw your message and to be honest it was just alcohol swab 

For educational purpose just single brief answer on this question and then I'll get to the main point 

1) if your remeber when you said HIV cannot live in packet alcohol swab which I think has HIV secretions not blood even if wet it would die because lack of cells which keeps it alive . Just for knowledge  how long would it die inside the packet just for my info and peace of mind. If I thought body secretions was inside it . Just give your opinion is it minutes  an hour a day how many months  This is what I need to know that is all your precise guess 

But I took the blood draw just to let you know it went well thank you 

Doctor now this is the only worry left  will you help me someday on this ? I know you are busy 

But you have said I should  forget about getting HIV from eyes and nose 

2) to be honest nobody has gotton HIV from the nose and if somebody did cocaine that was also untrue correct ? Because I read you said it was poorly documented ? No confirmed cases ? 

In general doctor how does the nose protect and why I should never worry about getting HIV from eyes and nose ? From contact of HIV fluids in the environment  I would like to forget about eyes and nose exposure that is all 

3) you have said virus doesn't need to die it will become non infectious to air exposure  so even if it's wet on my hair or inside a packet it doesn't matter because once it leaves the human body it won't have the power to infect . Just a few tips on this it will really help even if bit wet on objects or on tables or band aids doesn't matter because it will be non infectious because of air and environment even if it remains wet unless it's immediately coming from a persons body and fresh  . It will be non infectious I'll ask about this with you some day that would be but can you explain now ? 

4) when you say transfer from person to person what does this mean also transfer of secretions won't surve transfer on objects or persons eyes or nose ? 

Anyways thank for helping me with my blood draw if anything is unclear I'll comeback to you some day when you arnt busy for some understanding and we'll you can just help me with these points . Or if you do it now in detail that would be helpful I only took the blood draw because of you so thanks please answer q1 by giving your thoughts is it months or days or hours minutes  whatever you think of HIV if fluid was in a packet but your genuine thought is neede

Thank you and will if I ever have questions again just on this point I would love it because you really did help because a local doctor would have taken months to convince me . But you are dr Ed hook ! 


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88 months ago
Sorry when you said the fact remains HIV has never transmitted from routes I am suggesting you meant go say eyes and nose have never known trasmision and nobody gets HIV from getting anything into the nose 

Further more just let know the survival time also on q1) why HIV cannot be stored like that it would be awesome and fix a lot of things please do not forget q1 and just explain why why not to worry for eyes and nose   And why HIV cannot be stored like that ? After how long it will become non infectious insid the packet 
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
88 months ago
I'm pleased the information I provided was helpful.  Please note that this will be my final reply and that this thread will be closed later today.  Further, your continued questions are redundant and reflect primarily unchecked anxiety.  Our forum does not permit repeated anxiety driven questions by the same users. This will have to be your last one; future new questions on this topic will be deleted without reply and without refund of your posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not criticism, and is designed to reduce temptations to keep paying for questions with obvious answers; because experience shows that continued answers tends to simply prolong such anxieties, when the real answer normally should be professional counseling; and because such questions have little educational value for other users, one of the forum's main purposes. I trust you will understand.

As for your follow-up questions:
1.  Conditions such as temperature, the liquid present and other variable affect how quickly the virus becomes non-infectious however in nearly all real life situations you can assume that the virus is non-infectious within minutes (even seconds) of exposure to the environment.
2.  There are one of two cases in which a person may have gotten HIV from sharing a bloody straw to snort cocaine into the nose.  In these cases it is presumed that the straw acted like a needle.  there is no known or logical risk of HIV from picking your nose or rubbing your eyes.  You should not worry about this route of infection.  It is unrealistic.
3. This question has been answered earlier.  Further, observation of millions of patients by medical scientists around the world has never shown a person to acquire HIV from inanimate objects in the manner you describe.  I will have nothing more to say on this matter.
4.  Correct

This will end this thread.  there will be no further questions and the thread will be closed later today.  I wish you the best.  Take care.  EWH
