[Question #205] Scabies???

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111 months ago
Hi Doctor. I'm just enquiring about the possibility of contracting scabies??? I live in Western Europe and recently have become extremely itchy in the genital area around my groin and along the belt line. A small rash has developed along my belt line. I'm not worried about other stds as I have not had sex for over 6 months. My wife recently gave birth to a baby and she is also experiencing similar symptoms along with hive like bumps behind her knee and under her wedding ring. My only possible exposure was a 2 minute lap dance 4 weeks ago at a stag party. Is it possible to contract them from this or wat is your opinion on my symptoms? 
Thanking you
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago

Welcome to the Forum.  I'll try to help.  While itching is one symptoms of scabies, there are many other problems which might cause rashes of the sort you describe.  It would be most unusual to acquire scabies from a lap dance and equally or even less likely to easily transmit it to your wife.  If you have acquired scabies, you need not have caught it from a lap dance but could have caught it from other sorts of contacts such as sleeping under contaminated bedclothes.  The fact that your rash is in the belt area is consistent with scabies but for it to be in the groin would likewise be unusual. Further, with respect to your wife's rash scabies rashes are rarely urticarial. 

Other possible causes of rashes which itch might include fungal skin infections, fleas (if you have pets that go outside), or irritation from a new laundry soap or something else that you have come into contact with. 

Trying to sort out what might be causing your rash, or where it come from, is very, very difficult on line.  My suggestion would be to have your doctor take a look o, If you don't have a doctor, have a dermatologist take a look.  I hope these comments provide some direction for you .  EWH

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111 months ago
Thank you Doctor for your response. I first started itching four weeks ago and the itch and rash was on my belt line exactly where my belt buckle would be. This rash cleared up and has transferred instead to an area around both hips where the itching currently is. The rash is small with only a couple of red spots on each hip. Does this sound like scabies? Also the itching in my groin area is not accompanied with a rash, it's just itchy!! As I am in a monogamous relationship I am at a puzzle as to where I could of become infected. If I got infected from bedclothes surely this means I can pass it onto my wife and kids through bed clothes??? Finally my wife and I are booked into see doctor this Tuesday. Would a normal GP be able to diagnose this or would I have to go to a sexual health clinic to get it diagnosed.
Thanking you in advance
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
111 months ago

I'm sorry, you are largely repeating your question.  as I pointed out above, these symptoms may not be an STI.  I can add a few more facts but you are still going to need to see your doctor to really get this sorted out (and yes,  a GP should be able to take care of this).  You need not go to a sexual health clinic.

The itch you are experiencing on your groin may be different from the rash on your belt line,  Sometimes, as we start to look carefully for symptoms we begin to notice normal sensations that we would otherwise overlook  or "edit out" of our experiences.  When persons are looking for unusual sensations, itching is among the most common sensations that are experienced. 

That the rash on your beltline has "moved" makes it still more unlikely to be scabies.  A scabies rash might expand but it would not go away in one area and appear in another. EWH
