[Question #2067] one more question
90 months ago
I didn't have enough time to ask my follow up question. After scraping the wax and dirt from the phone in the hospital I cleaned around my thumb nail with gauze and soap. I might had been pulling my skin under the nail too much but I noticed some discomfort under the nail and it looked red ( maybe broken skin ). I put some hydrogen peroxide under the nail and it started to hurt and bubble. If a piece of the wax got under the nail could I have contracted hep c. Maybe it was me over doing it with the cleaning, and our health nurse told me not to worry about it. It is a little sore tonight but my logic tells me to let it go. I just want to move forward with this.
H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
90 months ago
This is exactly the same question Dr. Hook just answered, in slightly different words. Re-read his replies; I'm not going to repeat them.
A year ago, one of my replies warned you about repetative anxiety driven questions about obviously zero risk events. Here is the current standard statement about it:
Please note the forum does
not permit repeated questions on the same topic or exposure. This will have to
be your last one; future new questions about nonsexual, nonexistent risks about HCV, HIV, other blood borne infections, or STDs will be deleted
without reply and without refund of the posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not
criticism, and is designed to reduce temptations to keep paying for questions
with obvious answers. In addition, experience shows that continued answers tend
to prolong users' anxieties rather than reducing them. Finally, such questions
have little educational value for other users, one of the forum's main
purposes. I trust you will understand.
There will be no further discussion on this thread.