[Question #2105] HPV / Hunter Handsfield, MD

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89 months ago
Dr. Handsfield
I recently started thinking about my past experience with some small lesions on my penis. I wanted your perspective. 
It all started with one small lesion that was raised a little but caused no problems. I had the lesion for approximately a year but didn't think of having an infection or disease. Fast forward a year and three small lesions appeared in a  different location on the shaft of the penis. The lesions were not raised and the appearance (flat and color) of the lesions were completely different from the first lesion (kind of started like a pimple without a white head. I remember feeling irritation from  the new lesions on the penis shaft during an erection. I went to a Urologist (green) and he told me he was 90% sure it was genital warts. He gave me three options (I assumed he was an expert) for moving forward with the lesions. 1) leave them 2) laser ablation 3) biopsy.  I thought these were my only three options. Again, assuming he knew what he was talking about. I chose to have a biopsy - not understanding it will take 4 weeks to heal and there would be a scare. Intermittent sensitivity to the area. The first lesion was biopsyed, it's actually the only lesion that could possibly be removed. The others were so flat and small. The result came back condyloma. After the 4 weeks of the biopsyed area healed I was prescribed and started applying Zyclara. Within two weeks more lesions were appearing. I would say the lesions went from 3 to 6-7 lesions. All of the lesions had the same appearance. small, skin color, flat. I quit applying the Zyclara after 4 weeks, as it appeared things were getting worse and not better. I scheduled laser ablation and proceeded with the operation. I was told on the phone by the MD this was the only way to get rid of the lesions, but added that they would definitely come back. After another 4 weeks recovering from the ablation I started my own research on lesions, HPV, and other growths in the genital area. What I was findi

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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
89 months ago
I reviewed your previous thread. I would not change anything I advised at the time; you might re-read that discussion. In any case, I see no question here. What is on your mind? (Perhaps an intended question was termiated because of the limitation on length of new questions. So if you post a follow-up question, keep it short -- under 1,500 characters, i.e. about 300 words.)

Regards--  HHH, MD
