[Question #2145] STD question
90 months ago
First of all, thank you very much for giving me the opportunity of asking to experts like you. I am a man, 43 years old. I’ve been with my wife since 2002. Between 2005 and 2008 I was involved in some CSW’s relations which I now strongly regret. They were always condom protected for vaginal and oral, but only once unprotected oral. From 2008 to 2013, I had some erotic massages, but no penetrative sex with CSW’s. In all these years I had periods of unprotected sex with my wife.
Since 2009 I have been strongly worried about having got some STD. I started to feel some symptoms which did not include discharge or painful urination. The most relevant was a wet feeling at the tip of penis, which, however, was not accompanied of discharge. I went to an analyst who is specialized in STD and my obsession has taken me to have up to 9 or 10 analyses along all these years. Everything was always negative. Trich exam was microscope observation, which is not reliable. A pair of times WBCs were high, and then the culture revealed E coli.
After some years of having protected sex for pregnancy control, my wife and I returned to unprotected sex in 2014. After the first times, she developed itching and some discharge that were treated as yeast (but not analyzed). At the same time, I also developed red dots and itching on my foreskin that I thought were yeast too. For some weeks this situation was going worst and better until it resolved completely. However, from time to time she complains of some itching after her period and lower abdominal pain.
In 2014 I started with some very slight pain at the beginning of urination (up to now). However, the analysis continued being negative and no discharge was detected. This pain typically appeared when I was urinating at a sitting position and not when standing up. For some days the pain disappeared and then came back. I have found that the previous symptom of wet feeling is strongly related to constipation. If I have it and I go to the toilet, it’s gone.
I got obsessed about trich, so I could manage to have tinidazole. This was about one week ago and short after having it (a pair of hours) I felt that my symptoms had gone. I am not sure if now they are coming back or it is that I wish they do it, so that I could blame something else, as CPPS.
I would like to have your opinion about the possibility of trich. Thank you very much in advance.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
90 months ago
90 months ago
I have read about complications on infertility and others from trich, and this really makes me feel even more worried.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
90 months ago
90 months ago
Thanks a lot for your help and the rest of the medical board. I have read a lot of your and Dr. Handsfield previous posts.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
90 months ago