[Question #2148] Penis
88 months ago
On April 23 I had protected sex with a female and also protected sex from another female later that day. A few days after that I noticed some redness at the tip of my penis head. It was more like a rash not blisters. My urine also was dribbling out after I urinated but there was no pain and it was just watery. It is now may 16 and the redness is still somewhat there and I'm still dribbling after I urinate. I concerned about hsv2 I've read it can be in the urethral tract....I have no flu symptoms, no blisters, I went to a dermatologist and showed him the redness he said not herpes but could not answer for the urine issue. I'm very worried at this point. I got tested for Chlamidia and gon both came back negative.
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
88 months ago
Hmmm. I'm thinking that the urine dribbling has nothing to do with the sexual encounters as they were completely protected, is that correct? I'm very glad that you went to see a dermatologist as our ability to help with these situations is limited by not being able to see you in person. Is this dribbling completely new for you?
I honestly think that if you had somehow acquired HSV 2 through these sexual encounters, you would display symptoms in the genital area like blisters or sores. I also don't think if the redness was due in any way to herpes, it wouldn't last this long, especially with no skin symptoms. You my wish to visit a urologist and make sure your prostate is completely normal and talk about the dribbling with them as well.
I honestly think that if you had somehow acquired HSV 2 through these sexual encounters, you would display symptoms in the genital area like blisters or sores. I also don't think if the redness was due in any way to herpes, it wouldn't last this long, especially with no skin symptoms. You my wish to visit a urologist and make sure your prostate is completely normal and talk about the dribbling with them as well.
88 months ago
Hi thank you
So yes they were both protected but I read you can get it even using a condom...
However I have no pain or blisters
The tip just appears to be red and the shaft at times appears to be red but not painful
The urine is not painful but it just seems to dribble out after I urinate. I have heard so much about herpes as in some people get mild outbreaks some affects urine some don't so at this point I am pretty freaked out. I did just book an appointment with a urologist but basically im asking is this herpes? Is this a usual symptom? No sores just redness with some urine issues?
88 months ago
And as I said no sex of oral since April 23
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
88 months ago
While it is true that you can acquire herpes even with condom use, it isn't all that common and your symptoms don't. Most men that I have seen acquire herpes while using a condom have outbreaks at the base of the penis. I seriously doubt that redness at the tip of the penis (that was covered by a condom) is a symptom of new herpes. Have you ever had a herpes IgG test in the past to know that you are not infected with herpes?
88 months ago
Yes but it was about 2 years ago and it was negative.....
Would a herpes outbreak be painful? Mine is nothing more than just red and
Would it last this long? I'm very concerned about this obviously. The tip and shaft is red but no blisters no sores no pain
88 months ago
I guess I'm just very nervous i just don't know what this could be
88 months ago
Do I need to pay again? I'm just looking for some answers I apologize
Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
88 months ago
Herpes outbreaks are often painful and are most often accompanied by sores or blisters, not a flat red rash as you describe it to be. And I doubt that it would last this long either. I honestly don't think for a moment that the dermatologist would miss a herpes infection.