[Question #2168] Gonorrhea, Chlamidya and HPV Exams.
92 months ago
Dear doctors,
monday I had tests for HPV, Gonorrhea and Chlamidya. Most of the resutls are available, but I am still waiting for the yeast culture (Hopefuly this is how is written in English).
Neither Chlamidya and HPV were detected.
The Bactoroscope exam points out Gram-negative Diplococci as absent.
Even though I am still waiting for this culture results, can I sleep this night knowing I don't have Gonorrhea.
Just as matter of fact. I ran myself into these tests because I had an BJ from a CSW around one year ago.
And notice some itch on my penis (Perhaps candidiasis, which I had some years ago).
Sorry for my poor english.
Hopefuly I made myself understandable.
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
92 months ago
Welcome to our Forum. I'll be glad to try to help. My understanding is that your concern is that you may have gotten an STI from receipt of oral sex about a year ago. I would not worry and anticipate that your test results will be negative. Few STIs are acquired through receipt of oral sex and had you been infected, I expect that you would have become symptomatic long before now. I anticipate that your tests will be negative and when they are, I urge you not to worry.
Also, for your information,even if your test for Candida is positive that would not be an abnormal result. Candida is normally present on the body.
Please don't worry. EWH
92 months ago
Thanks Doctor Hook.
92 months ago
Dear Doctor Hook.
All tests were negative.
I still have one concern. The tests were doneby urine (first pee) and swab on my urethra.
Is there any chance a Clotrimazol cream interfere on the results?
PS: I understand i have one more question. and
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
92 months ago
Glad to hear of your negative results. It sounds like the proper specimens for testing were obtained. Believe them. There are no data to suggest that clotrimazole would interfere with the accuracy of your test results. You can move forward at this time with confidence. EWH
92 months ago
Thank you Dr. Hook.
I am moving forward, but not before saying how much I appreciate the work that is done in this site.
Have a nice sunday and week!
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Edward W. Hook M.D.
92 months ago
You're very kind. It is a pleasure to be able to help. Take care and stay safe. EWH