[Question #2174] Risk question
87 months ago
I submitted a question recently and dr hook eased my mind on gonorrhea, chlamydia, ngu, and hiv. My exposure was with a csw and had protected oral and vaginal. Condom was intact entire time. It's been 10 days since and only symptom I have is a small, flesh colored bump on shaft of penis right below the head. It's a little shiny but mostly skin colored. It definitely doesn't hurt and I've had it for a few days I think. This is where the condom covered. I'm confused on what this can be. It's small and not raised too much. I just got off 75mg doxy twice a day. If this was syphilis, dr hook said it should clear it.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
87 months ago
Welcome back to the Forum. I'm sorry you are continuing to worry about this exposure. My first question for you is whether or not the lesion that you describe is new or, as is actually quite common, with your heightened awareness as you look for signs of infection may have led you to notice irregularities in your skin that have been there for some time. There are a number of normal bumps and irregularities which occur on genital skin. These include shiny "bumps" which occur just under the head of the penis called "pearly penile papules" which are highly variable from person to person and can be more or less noticeable at different times. The lesions that you describe are not suggestive of syphilis (while syphilis lesions can appear as bumps, they quickly become open painless sores and would not develop while or after taking doxycycline). I hope this is helpful. EWH
87 months ago
Thanks Doctor. It may have been there before but I really can't recall. I haven't inspected the area as much as I have been the past few days. It's below the head at the top of shaft where he condom definitely covered. My question is
1. Could a herpe go under the condom?
2 if it is a herpe, would it be strange for it to appear and not hurt at all over the past few days?
I have no other symptoms besides anxiety. I will put syphilis out of my mind. I was worried because I only took 75mg twice a day versus 100mg which I see is commonly prescribed.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
87 months ago
1. I urge you not to worry about herpes. Nothing you describe suggest that this is herpes. Condoms are highly effective for prevent herpes. When persons who have used condoms correctly get herpes, their lesions tend to occur at areas nor covered by the condom and not at areas covered by the herpes.
2. MY response above-NOTHING you have described suggest HSV. This sounds mostly like pearly penile papules, both in location and description (google it and you can see pictures). If you cannot get by your anxiety over these bumps, I would suggest you have a knowledgeable clinician take a look, either at your local public sexual health clinic or by a doctor who has done genital examinations regularly in the past.
As I said earlier, the doxycycline you took would present syphilis. EWH
87 months ago
Thanks Doctor. I guess my final response would be the following :
If I don't see a noticeable outbreak by two weeks, is it likely I don't have HSV? I know everyone's body acts differently, but I read your initial outbreak is quite noticeable.
Edward W. Hook M.D.
87 months ago
Correct, if you do not experience an outbreak within two weeks of your exposure, you really should not be worried about having acquired herpes from this low risk exposure.
As you know, this thread will now be closed and there will be no further answers. I hope my comments have been helpful to you. Please try not to worry, your risk for having acquired any STI is miniscule. EWH
87 months ago
Thanks. I decided to take your word and felt better. I also shaved my pubic area two days ago and now I have red bumps all over my pubic area. I'm hoping it's just razor burn and I didn't irritate any herpes. This made me more nervous. All the red bumps seem to have hair under them. The red bumps are just where I shaved and right next to them where I didn't shave, the skin seems fine?