[Question #2203] Little background

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87 months ago
Hi Terri,
Thanks for your reply. It was really helpful. I just wanted to give a brief background about myself. I am from different country (Asian country). In my country due to our culture you don't normally kiss a kid or hug them. I am 26 years old and till now I never kissed a girl or had sex. The recent encounter was my first experience. Previously I got tested because I got a HJ in Asian massage parlor, got scared and tested multiple times. And was negative. Considering my background what are my chances of hsv1 through this exposure. Also let's assume she has hsv1, it is definite that I will get hsv1 on my genitals with unprotected fellatio. What are the odds? Sorry for long post . Please answer this, my mind will be at ease.
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87 months ago
also it's been 17 days and everything is normal. No lessions, no fever or anything. 
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
87 months ago
I believe Dr. Hook posted this at your last encounter:

"This is the third and final response to this series of questions which are becoming anxiety-driven, something that the forum does not permit. This will have to be your last one; future new questions on this topic will be deleted without reply and without refund of your posting fee. This policy is based on compassion, not criticism, and is designed to reduce temptations to keep paying for questions with obvious answers; because experience shows that continued answers tends to simply prolong such anxieties, when the real answer normally should be professional counseling; and because such questions have little educational value for other users, one of the forum's main purposes. I trust you will understand."

I will tell you one more time that I doubt that you were infected with HSV 1 at this encounter - we don't have statistics on this type of transmission but I would say it is not common with a single encounter and you are likely just fine to go back and have sex with your regular partner since you have had no symptoms in 2 weeks.  I am going to close this question now, based on the above statement. We've provided you all of the reassurance that we are able to provide and further discussion just isn't going to help anyone. 
