[Question #2226] oral to genital hsv1

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87 months ago

Hello doctor------my question is about oral to genital hsv1 transmission

1.      I am 48 year old male. I have a regular partner for the last one year with whom I have only oral sex-----fellatio (unprotected). Since our relationship for almost one year now ,we had 12-14 episodes of such oral sex. Before the oral sex contact we both tested for all the std,s which were negative. We both have oral hsv1. I had last outbreak some 3 years back(oral hsv1) and she also has rare outbreaks.

2.      I always thought that oral to genital hsv1 was possible if she had visible sores on her lips at the time of oral sex or if the sores appeared 2 days before the oral to genital contact. But recently I read that asymptomatic shedding of the virus also takes place regularly and it is possible to transmit the virus even if there are no visible sores. I’m devastated by this news and since then have had sleepless nights thinking if I could have contracted this way. Today is the 14th day from the last episode and I don’t have any sores on my penis.  WHAT ARE THE REAL CHANCES THAT I MAY HAVE BEEN INFECTED BY THIS CHANEL ----ORAL TO GENITAL HSV1? CAN I HAVE UNPROTECTED GENITAL SEX WITH MY WIFE WITHOUT FEAR OF TRANSMITTING HSV1 TO HER.


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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
87 months ago
Once you have herpes in one location on your body, it is extremely unlikely that you would get it in a new location.  Extremely!   If I was in your position, I wouldn't give this worry a second thought.  Yes, asymptomatic shedding does occur but I don't think you need to worry about this. So enjoy!

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87 months ago
Thanks a lot for your reply Dr.Terri Warren------i wanted to add some more facts and get clarification from YOU or Dr. Hook or Dr. HH Hunter.
1.The second day after my last exposure , since the act was a little vigorous i had a bit of a scratch on my pennis head (redness) which was followed by a fungal infection ----i applied anti fungal cream and took one capsule of fluconazole which took care of this problem. I also had sore throat and mild temperature which continued for around three days.  Do these conditions alter what you said in your first reply?
2. Do i need to go for some tests for genital HSV1 in the above situation( today is 17th day and i dont have any kind of sores on pennis)-------I am deeply concerned about giving it to my wife if we have genital sex------and that is the last thing in this world i would want to happen. My wife has preclimax condition and she is having treatment for the same--------she had burning sensation while urinating and red sores on vagina recently------but that may be just  a coincidence because of her ongoing pre climax condition(due to this her skin on vagina has become thin). What are the chances i might have contracted from my lady friend of one year and given to my wife ? very worried. Thanks you for your reply in advance. 
And I  had a talk with my lady friend about parting ways----at least no sexual contact of any kind since i have a family and wife------it was a temporary lapse on my part----but she is a very nice person to be friends with and we have decided to be JUST FRIENDS.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
87 months ago
1.  These conditions do not alter what I said in my first reply, no.
2.  I don't think that you need any more testing for HSV 1 - you stated that you were infected with HSV 1 prior to this encounter so further testing would not be helpful.  Remember that once you have HSV 1 in one location on your body, you are highly unlikely to get it in a new location on your body.  I do wonder if you are the giver of oral sex to your wife and could her red sores be HSV 1?  It would have nothing to do with your other partner as you stated that you have had your last oral outbreak three years ago - just thinking out loud about whether this might be what is going on with her? 

Terri Warren
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87 months ago
Thanks Terri for the answer-----but the reply seems to be so confusing or may be i've not made myself clear. so in short 
1. I had sores on my lips 2-3 times in my lifetime----i assume that this was hsv1. I had 12-14 episodes of unprotected fellatio with my girlfriend( without symptoms on lips) who also has hsv1 for sure. I understood from your reply that its is extremely unlikely that i may have contracted hsv1 on my genital because if i have in one place it is unlikely to transmit same virus type in another location. Right?
After the episodes with my girlfriend i had unprotected vaginal sex with my wife. My question is can i infect my wife with hsv1 genitally by having unprotected vaginal sex ?  But as per above, i am unlikely to get infected genitally from oral sex with my girlfriend.
My concern is that while my immune system is still fighting to keep off the new hsv 1 virus (3-4 days) is it possible that during this time i may infect my wife during vaginal sex? or is it that the immune system, because of already present hsv1 virus in my body, immediately, on contact with new hsv1 virus, defeats it and doesnt allow the new infection immediately?  
Please bear with me ----i know it is complex but i'm extremely nervous about it and expect you to clear this doubt. Thanks Terri,Dr Hook, Dr. Hunter in advance. 
And lastly-----do i need to test myself if i have HSV1 in my genitals-----if yes which ones?  

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87 months ago
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
87 months ago
1.  correct
2.  vaginal sex with your wife is not a realistic risk because you have had HSV one orally in the past, before the other partner, which would keep you almost certainly from acquiring this genitally and passing it on to your wife.
3.  again, I do not think there is a risk I'm getting a new HSV one infection because of your own previous infection
You do not need to test yourself for HSV one genitally. 
Unless you have acquired HSV one orally and genitally at the same time, I do not believe there is concern about you getting HSV one genitally from the other partner.

Well I cannot give you specific instructions about went to have sex with your wife, I can say that I don't see any additional risk of you acquiring herpes genitally from this other partner–none at all.
