[Question #2228] My Anti Hiv Test is Conclusive

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87 months ago
Dear Dr H. Hunter Handsfield. I had an sexual intervourse with an escort 7 months ago. It last 2 minutes..I have several Anti Hiv 1/2 + P24 Antigen test. 35,67,88 ( Anti Hiv 1/2 ), 112,120,150,180 ( Anti Hiv 1/2 ) and finally after 214 day I have final Anti Hiv1/2+P24 Antigen test. All my result was negative.Are these test, I have, possible to detected the Hıv İf I was infected.. I’m afraid that my result turn to positive. Pls Could you tell me all these test are enough and conclusive to say I’m totally free from Hiv or need re-test until for example one or two year..?

Can I say I’m totally free from hiv after my last test 214 day ( over 7 months )..Could you give me a hundred percent guarantee that my test results will not change..As long as I am not exposed to any exposure..I am psychologically treated because of fear of returning test result positive..Pls help me...I can not assign fear of returning positive test from my head..Finally can I sex with my wife without using condom
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
87 months ago
Welcome to the forum. FYI, it is only by chance that I am responding. Except for questions about herpes, all questions are answered randomly by me or Dr. Hook, regardless of requests for one of us or the other. Our styles differ, but our knowledge and advice are always more or less identical.

You have been seriously overtested. Frist, the large majority of escorts are pretty safe, have low risk clients (men like you), and rarely have HIV. (By "escort" I mean expensive female sex workers by appointment, as opposed to brothel workers and bar pickups.) So it is unlikely your partner had HIV. Also, the average risk from a single episode of vaginal sex, if the woman has HIV, is once for every 2,500 exposures. Therefore, this exposure really didn't need HIV testing at all.

And for certain it did not require the number of tests you have had. The current HIV tests are among the most accurate diagnostic tests ever developed, for any medical condition. The duo tests (also called 4th generation, combo, or antigen-antibody tests) are 100% conlusive 4 weeks (sometimes as long as 6 weeks) after exposure. Therefore, your 35 day test result was conclusive, and every test after that was unnecessary and a waste of money.

If you continue to remain obsessed with the possibility you caught HIV, I would recommend professional counseling. I suggest it from compassion, not criticism. But it is not normal to remain so fearful after such strong scientific evidence. Do not have any more HIV test. And you should have resumed sex with your wife several months ago, and certainly can do so now.

I hope this information is helpful. Let me know if anything isn't clear.

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87 months ago
I arrange with escort from internet..she was from tai... Assuming that she has Hiv .. The tests I have done up to now do not show that I am clean anymore...is there any case that negative result turn positive after 214 day...
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87 months ago
I would like to learn...is there any possiblety that my negatife result stay the same of can turn to pozitife after 7 months...thank dr.
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
87 months ago
This repeats what you already asked in different words, and I already answered. I said the test result is conclusive more than 6 weeks after exposure. That means the result can never turn positive after that. It is not possible another test, at 214 days or any other time, would be positive.  Unless, of course, you have another episode of unsafe sex.

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87 months ago
Thanks Dr. for your detail answers...I'd like to learn These all test I have ( Anti Hiv 1/2+P24 antigen ) might be 4. generation test I think..?? .And I don't have another episode of unsafe sex during this time...After 214 days ( 7 months ) I'm deffinetly free from Hiv according to your answer...İs this the past experience or the medical facts..Is there any case of pozitive period after 7th month in medical history..I'm so sory I disturb you dr. But I must ask these question...
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H. Hunter Handsfield, MD
87 months ago
These are the medical and scientific facts. There has never been anyone who had a negative test like this (anti-HIV+P24 antigen) after 6 weeks who turned out to have HIV. Do your best to stop worrying about it.

That completes the two follow-up comments and replies included with each question, and so ends this thread. Please do not post another question asking the same things. The answers will not change.

Best wishes and stay safe.