[Question #223] herpes

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106 months ago
Dear Terri, 
   Shortly after our last correspondence I began to get pimples all over my back side, on the cheeks and by the crease of my leg, on both cheeks. I did not mention that on September 22nd I had another encounter with the same person,  because it was after the rash had occurred on the back of my knee. So these pimples showed up about 3 weeks after this later encounter.  They were not in clusters but randomly over my butt cheeks.  The was no blisters and it wasn't really painful. But if I touched them directly there was some soreness.  They also seemed to appear more noticeable at night. I figures it was butt acne from the stress I was feeling.  When you read online it says that herpes can be mistaken for many things. Obviously I have been paying close attention to my body. During this last encounter that was now 6 weeks ago, I received protected anal sex for less then 10 seconds because it was painful (first time). Would pimples randomly spread over the butt cheeks be herpes?  They showed up about 3 weeks following this encounter and are pretty much gone now. I did do a lot of acne treatment in the last week. (Exfoliating,  cleaning, salicylic acid cream). I actually made an appointment at quest diagnostic to get tested but did not know that I needed a perscription.  So it will be a couple days before I am tested.  
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
Herpes does not present as scattered pimple-like lesions.  Herpes lesions on the buttocks tend to be tightly clustered and quite raised and blistery and most often painful.  What you describe sounds nothing at all like herpes to me.  Herpes lesions are not more likely to come at one time of day than another.  It sounds far more like folliculitis or acne.  remember that when we rub our skin up against someone else's skin, we pick up other kinds of bacteria that we might have not have ourselves and it can cause other little skin things to show up.  As always, if you have concerns, see a clinician in person for an accurate evaluation, of course. 

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106 months ago
Thanks Terri,
 I also had a question from the last time. If the outbreak behind my knee is in fact herpes, would it normally show up in the same place?  Also everything I read says that people often mistake herpes for other things. How often does it show up in a atypical manner that even if you are looking for it you would not know?
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
It might show up behind the knee again or it could move.  Research indicates that about 50% of recurrences in people happen in the same place but the other half do move around.  The atypical presentations are pretty common but without a positive test you should not be focusing on looking for atypical presentations.  Did you have a test, I forget?

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106 months ago
No i have not. I was waiting a few weeks to make sure results from these encounters would be significant. I have always been careful but have had quite a few partners. I am always checking myself as well. The information on the Internet is so scary.  It makes it seem like everyone has it and doesn't know it. What would be a atypical presentation? They make it seem like any little rash or bump could be herpes. 
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106 months ago
I never even consider or was worried about this until I started going on the Internet.  Guess that us why they tell you not to.
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Terri Warren, RN, Nurse Practitioner
106 months ago
Yes an outbreak behind the knee would certainly be atypical and as I mentioned before, it is definitely not common at all.

Probably best at this point for you to stay off the internet, right?
